Recent content by isyang94

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    Chromatid Questions: What, Why, How, 2 Sets, Homologous

    Is a chromosome, two chromatids bonded together by a centromere? then, what is a chromatid? Also what is meant when they say that there are two sets of chromosomes? do they mean that there are 2 chromosomes together with four chromatids? what also is the difference between homologous...
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    Is amplitude always perpendicular to the rest axis?in a wavelength

    Is amplitude always perpendicular to the rest axis? in a wavelength amplitude it the distance between either the crest or through from the equbilium line. then in the case of transverse vibration, what is its amplitude? thanks
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    Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation: FG= Fg=Gm/r2

    Hello, i am so confused Newton's universal gravitation states FG= Gm1m2/r squared and in this case FG stands for the force of gravitational attraction between any 2 objects, but why is Fg (gravitational field strength) equaled to fg=Gm/r squared? why are FG and Fg used interchangeably? i do not...
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    What is Gravitational field strength exactly

    Newton Is gravitational field strength same as Newton's universal constant? If not how exactly are they different? please explain simply thanks <Moderator's Note: Multiple Threads Merged>
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    What is Gravitational field strength exactly

    Hello, I just read a book reagarding Newton and his laws and had few questions about it. What is Gravitational field strength exactly and what is Newton's universal gravitational constant? Aren't they the same thing? please explain these two concepts simple enough for me to understand and to...
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    Mechanical Energy: Where Does It Go?

    because according to the law of conservation of energy, the gravitational potential energy and the kinetic energy would just stay the same the whole time but it is only slightly dissipated by heat, where else does it all go?
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    Mechanical Energy: Where Does It Go?

    explain in details please
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    Mechanical Energy: Where Does It Go?

    When a pendulum is let go from an elevated area, it will eventually stop swinging. But if this occurs then where had the mechanical energy gone to?
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    Medical Kidney's process of reabsorpting the water

    how could the process of the kidney's process of reabsorpting the water be simulated through a man made experiment?
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    What Force Allows a Balloon to Float in the Air?

    As the balloon rises, the force of gravity pulls on the balloon, but which force is strong enough to pull the balloon up so that it floats in the air? thanks
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    Medical Understanding the Role of Potassium in Blood Pressure Regulation

    How does potassium affect the blood pressure? how does it lower the blood pressure with the help of the kidney(collecting duct)? thanks
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    The Constant Speed of Free Falling Objects

    Acceleration as in the gravity 9.8m/s/s thanks for the reply
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    The Constant Speed of Free Falling Objects

    When an object free falls, its accerleration is constant, but does its speed change? If so is it practicing uniform or non uniform motion?