Recent content by IronGeek

  1. I

    Why is there a stereotype of Americans being fat compared to Europeans?

    My trip to Michigan... ...was, admittedly, brief & limited. But the family I visited just shocked me! :eek: Sitting at the dinner table, I felt like I was on a feedlot! And I'm a big eater too! Sorry for singling out Michigan, (to Californians, everything past Colorado is "eastern" :-p) but...
  2. I

    Time Machine's to be kept clean at all time's. Memo

    Intellectual Irony It's so ironic when one chides another for being "retarted." :smile:
  3. I

    Is Memory the Key to Disproving the Existence of God?

    This thread is silly. So are most theisms, imho, but why bother convincing anyone of it? I feel that the concept of "God" or "gods" are simply catch-all explanations for anything one cannot readily explain. If you think otherwise, that's cool.
  4. I

    Why is there a stereotype of Americans being fat compared to Europeans?

    Lazy Americans I'm an American who owns a car, yet bicycles 20 miles to work & back each day. I wouldn't have it any other way! I *feel* better when I'm fit; the air tastes better! Why are Americans fat? Well, it's true; many are. Mostly they are in the eastern states, Michigan in...