Recent content by Invictos

  1. I

    I Leyden Jars increase spark length?

    Definitely a "don't try this at home kids" type of thing! [emoji23]
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    I Leyden Jars increase spark length?

    Good Evening/Morning/Afternoon Everyone, Question: Why is it that demonstrations of Van de Graff generators use Leyden Jars in series to get bigger sparks? If a spark gap's size determined by voltage, and Leyden jars are simply to be treated as capacitors which wouldn't increase voltage, why...
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    Generating High Voltage: Safe and Effective Methods for Amateur Use

    Good Afternoon everyone, Question: What are some effective ways to generate a high voltage (Multiple KV) using amateur equipment? I've dealt with high voltage before, so I'm aware of the safety issues. Anyway, here is what I've got thus far: If you go on ebay, and search for high voltage power...
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    I Is this Linear Accelerator Design Valid?

    Good Evening Everyone, A group of friends and I were having a mini-contest, to see who could theoretically make anti-matter using the most simplistic design in terms of cost and general complexity. The obvious choice for us was the Positron, due to low energy requirements on all fronts. One of...