Recent content by Invertedzero

  1. I

    Plotting a Suitable Graph to find Emissivity of Tungsten Filament

    Hi, thanks for your response. So does 0.6 seem like a resonable value for the emissivity of a tungsten filament? Because online I've seen quite a range of values, but none as high as 0.6, and I'm pretty much certain the rest of the calculations are correct. Also could you please explain to me...
  2. I

    Plotting a Suitable Graph to find Emissivity of Tungsten Filament

    Plotting a suitable graph to find emissivity of tungsten It is given that: Q = pσ2πal(T^4 - t^4) Where Q is the Energy Loss Rate, p is Emissivity and T,t are the wire and room temperature. Other symbols are constant. I have data for Q and (T^4- t^4), which for simplification purposes...