Recent content by intwo

  1. I

    Other I messed up and I’d like to return to school at 30

    I know this isn’t an appropriate place to discuss this, but for the sake of transparency I’ve been working menial jobs because my confidence has been at an all-time low since leaving grad school without a degree. I feel like a failure and I’m disappointed that I worked so hard on my thesis and...
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    Other I messed up and I’d like to return to school at 30

    Thank you. This is excellent advice. Despite feeling overwhelmed with completing the thesis, my actual research experience was immensely interesting and enjoyable. Even though I wasn’t doing anything impressive or groundbreaking, I felt so much satisfaction when I duplicated results in...
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    Other I messed up and I’d like to return to school at 30

    I agree with you. I haven’t done anything to show that I can competently meet research obligations. Based on this history I’m not dependable and I understand why prospective schools and jobs would have concerns. I felt like I was in over my head and didn’t have a clear path to completion...
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    Other I messed up and I’d like to return to school at 30

    This is a great point. I've lived with my parents since graduate school so I've managed to pay off debt and save money, but I need to consider if going back into debt is a reasonable decision at this point in my life.
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    Other I messed up and I’d like to return to school at 30

    It was called an interdisciplinary physics degree. It was the regular physics core with electives from other departments (in my case math courses). The project involved generating bifurcation diagrams for frequency and amplitude parameter spaces of a driving force in a modified version of...
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    Other I messed up and I’d like to return to school at 30

    Thanks for your responses. I’m not sure if I understand your comment so let me know if I’m misinterpreting it. My intention was to be transparent with my academic past. I’m realizing now that I could’ve avoided those paragraphs by just including my undergraduate and graduate GPAs. I’m not...
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    Other I messed up and I’d like to return to school at 30

    I’m disappointed with the position I’ve put myself in and I’d appreciate advice on how to move forward. For reference I’m 30 years old and living in the Chicago, IL suburbs. I graduated with a bachelors degree in 2012. It took five years and I failed many physics and math classes, but I...
  8. I

    Programs Physics/ChE/philosophy triple major?

    Take as many courses in as many fields as you want, but you don't need to get degrees in all of them. When you apply to graduate school, the committees are interested in the courses you have taken, not which degrees you have earned. Mathematics, physics, and chemistry will be the most...
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    Are Altoids One of the Oldest Commercial Products Still in Production?

    Wikipedia also has a list of oldest companies.
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    Courses Patented Mechanical Courses in MIT

    Try the open courseware site for mechanical engineering. It doesn't have all the courses offered, but most of the courses that it contains include recommended textbooks, lecture notes, etc.
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    Courses Patented Mechanical Courses in MIT

    I'm not sure that I understand your question. If you're looking for a listing of mechanical engineering courses at MIT, you can find them here. The graduate courses are marked with a "G" icon underneath the course title. You can find information on the graduate degrees here, specifically in...
  12. I

    Math-y or Nerdy License Plate Ideas

    4euclid :)
  13. I

    Mobile Forum: Disable Mobile Version & Ads on Subscription Accounts?

    When I access physics forums from my mobile phone (iPhone), I cannot view the normal forum. There is a "normal version" button, but clicking it does not change anything. I enjoy reading posts on the train, but it's rather difficult to navigate. Is there any way that I can disable the mobile...
  14. I

    Should I change my major?Mechanics & Logic: Issues Changing Majors?

    I'm not sure that I understand your concerns. Could you provide a specific example?
  15. I

    Schools I think I missed my calling; how can I slightly change paths in grad school?

    I'm not in the field, but I have noticed that some schools offer two biochemistry degrees - one from the chemistry department and another from the biology department. I recommend finding a chemistry program with a biochemistry concentration.