Recent content by interested_learner

  1. I

    Problem on conservation of energy/momentum

    I see too. Thanks! I was really scratching my head about where the momentum came from.
  2. I

    Why is glass transparent and solid?

    First question about glass: See:
  3. I

    Thaw Meat Faster in Fur: Know Why!

    The melting point of meat shouldn't make any difference because when you thaw meat what you are doing is melting ice not fat or meat.
  4. I

    Dropping a Ball in a Moving Bus

    Close but no cigars. The unaccelerated case is correct. Get in a car or bus and do the experiment (while someone else is driving Please!). Please report back and tell us the results of your experiment and then we can help you explain what you observed.
  5. I

    *Serious* Questions about Voltage / PE

    1) To quote from Schaum's Outline in EM (page 60): "The potential (ie voltage) of point A with respect to point B is defined as the work done in moving a unit charge Q from B to A." In other words voltage is potential energy. It is exactly like a ball that you raise off the surface of...
  6. I

    Electricity and Magnetism Question

    b) Do you mean how do you measure (in the lab) the energy in a charged sphere? Or do you mean how do you calculate the energy in a charged sphere? There is a good discussion on calculating the energy of a charged sphere in Feynman Lectures Volume II chapter 8-1. a) Just do a Google...
  7. I

    What type of person succeeds in physics?

    And being really really smart. Smarter than me.
  8. I

    Are the Laws of Nature Being Repealed?

    Of course, these things come around periodically. I wasn't a member in 2005 so I missed it the last time. Kinda funny though.
  9. I

    Are the Laws of Nature Being Repealed?

    see: and to think we all spent so much time studying the laws of nature only to have them repealed!
  10. I

    Why a reboot always fixes a computer?

    Better not reboot a aircraft control system.
  11. I

    Why does everything electrical we see give its voltage?

    Another name for voltage is potential. In other words, potential energy. It is like being on top of a hill and current is like rolling balls off the top of the hill. Ok not quite, but does someone have a better analogy?
  12. I

    Thaw Meat Faster in Fur: Know Why!

    Have you tried this? It doesn't seem to make any sense. Packing meat in fur should greatly slow down the thawing process not speed it up.
  13. I

    Problem on conservation of energy/momentum

    The problem only makes sense if the original (non split) particle has a nonzero momentum. I think you are supposed to solve for the original velocity.
  14. I

    Photos of Ghent, Belgium - Van Eyck's Agnus Dei

    I saw the traveling exhibt of 18th century Dutch paintings from your National Museum last week. Very Nice. You have a lovely country.