Recent content by innerlight

  1. I

    Why did Venus lose its oceans?

    I watched an episode of the new Cosmos series and in it the astronomer mentioned that Venus receives 30% more solar radiation than the Earth but that was not the cause of the out of control global warming on Venus. Further he said that Venus had oceans similar to Earth but lost them early. I...
  2. I

    Earth's orbit & precession affected by Venus & Jupiter?

    I mean the moon and sun rather, and what changes about them to change the Earth's precession. Sorry
  3. I

    Earth's orbit & precession affected by Venus & Jupiter?

    If the Earth's precession is due primarily to the sun and moon; and the moon's orbital eccentricity is relatively stable though the moon's distance from the Earth is increasing; what is it about the influence of the Earth and sun that changes the Earth's precession ?
  4. I

    Earth's orbit & precession affected by Venus & Jupiter?

    I watched a program that said that some of Earth's past climate change was due to variations in Earth's orbit and precession due to the the gravitational perturbations caused by Venus and Jupiter. Why would that be so? I know that the orbits of the planets are eliiptical generally and they...