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  1. I

    Sorry if this is too basic but we've all got to start somewhere

    Thank you Cleonis and diazona :smile: - I've printed your posts off (my eyes are not too good for staring at the monitor hours on end!) and will read them until it sinks in!
  2. I

    Sorry if this is too basic but we've all got to start somewhere

    Sorry if this is too basic but we've all got to start somewhere... Just started reading A Brief History of Time, and it has reminded me of a query I have had for years: E=MCsquared (sorry don't know how to do the little 2 next to the C) E is Energy, M is Mass and C is the speed of light -...
  3. I

    What is the Relationship Between Mass, Gravity, and Attraction in Physics?

    Thank you everyone for your replies, and between them all I think I've got it in my head now(!); and Rajini "acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m s-2" means nothing to me at the moment - but thank you anyway. Now, where's that "Brief History of Time" sub title 'From the Big Bang to Black...
  4. I

    What is the Relationship Between Mass, Gravity, and Attraction in Physics?

    From a Serious Newbie Have been interested in and fascinated by physics for a number of years now and am a total layman but watch every science/astronomy programme I can and have read a couple of very basic books on the subject, and have now steeled myself to read “A Brief History of Time”. I...