Recent content by ingenue

  1. I

    How does the axion solution actually work?

    So are you saying that because f is very large, the term aF\tilde{F}/f is very small, so that we no longer worry the CP violating effect caused by it?
  2. I

    In SSB, why shifting a field suffices to pick a corresponding vaccum?

    No, I meant why did it happen to pick out the right vacuum?
  3. I

    How does the axion solution actually work?

    I'm just reading Srednicki's QFT book, where the author gave an exercise on this axion. He posed the Lagrangian as (\partial_\mu a)^2+(\theta+a/f)F\tilde{F}, then he said we can use the shifting symmetry of a to kill the theta term. But even if we do that, we're left with the term...
  4. I

    Why does the propagator has a cut starting from EXACTLY 4m^2?

    Consider the usual phi^4 theory, when we derive the Lehmann-Kallen representation of the propagator, by inserting a complete set we know that the propagator has a branch cut starting from 4m^2, where the m is the physical mass. My question is: what's the construction of these...
  5. I

    What's the meaning of spin in 1+1 spacetime?

    When people discuss the Schwinger model, sometimes they still call the electron field spin-1/2 and the EM field spin-1. I wonder if there's some justification for these calling, since there's no rotations at all in 1+1 spacetime. I know for SO(n) with n>=2, one can always have well-defined spins.
  6. I

    In SSB, why shifting a field suffices to pick a corresponding vaccum?

    that's exactly why I'm asking. why did it happen to do this?
  7. I

    In SSB, why shifting a field suffices to pick a corresponding vaccum?

    Consider the simplest \phi^4 with Z_2 breaking. Before the shift, \langle\phi\rangle=0 by symmetry. After the shift, the vev of the shifted field is zero, which means \langle\phi\rangle\neq0, which in turn means we have picked the corresponding vacuum out of two possibilities. However, through...
  8. I

    Why is spin-1 field described by a vector field?

    I had read it. It doesn't address my question. For example, the equation (34.19) in the online version of that book shows that a field carries two symmetric spinor indexes is spin-1, so why can't we use this to describe spin-1 fields?
  9. I

    Why is spin-1 field described by a vector field?

    In what sense are scalar, vector and tensor more "fundamental" than spinor? They're both representations of the Lorentz group.
  10. I

    Why is spin-1 field described by a vector field?

    It's a famous claim that spin-0, spin-1 and spin-2 fields are described by scalar, vector and second-rank tensor, respectively. My question is: why not other objects? For example, consider spin-1 field, we can use a field that carries two left spinor indexes. From the group-theoretic relation we...