Recent content by Infamo

  1. I

    What happens to a Black hole when they die?

    what if the point of singularity of a black hole is the creation of smaller "big bangs" which create other universes. When a black hole "dies", what if it were the creation of a big bang simultaneously to create a new universe. What if the "big bang" was a creation of a the death of a massive...
  2. I

    Penetrating 9 feet of concrete?

    How much kinetic energy or momentum would an object need to penetrate 9 feet of heavy grade reinforced concrete?
  3. I

    Struggling with Momentum and Energy Problems?

    its mechanical physics, first level, at penn state its called physics 211, don't know if that helps any. How do you do the first one through basic conservation of momentum, I couldn't figure it out.
  4. I

    Struggling with Momentum and Energy Problems?

    Momemtum/Energy Problems?? I'm having trouble with 2 problems here, I will give all the info that I am given but I still can't seem to solve the problems. 1.) A block(m1) is released from the top a curved sloped plane and elastically collides with another block(m2). a.)How high does m1 go up...
  5. I

    Newtons Laws of gravitation, Keplers law, & Orbital Motion?

    Can anyone give me a clear and good explanation of Newtons Law of Gravitation, Keplers Law & Orbital Motion.
  6. I

    Plank & Bullet Experiment: Questions Explained

    I don't know if you guys are fimiliar with this expiriment so I'll describe it first. Let's say that there's a plank(1km and at rest with respect to the plank) away, and I launch a bullet at the plank and 1,000km/sec, and exactly one second later, the bullet hits the plank. Now, the depth at...
  7. I

    Unraveling the Gamma Factor Equation

    Now that I do understand the gamma factor equation, I don't really understand space-time contraction. Can you point me to some good sources or you yourself help me out. Thanks
  8. I

    Unraveling the Gamma Factor Equation

    I'm new to the whole relativity thing, and I've been reading the book E=mc^2, The Equation That Changed the World. I don't know if any of you have read the book, but, in the book, give the gamma factor equation, gammefactor=1/sqrt[1-(v/c)^2], now, here are my questions. 1.) What really does...
  9. I

    Start Learning Relativity: Books for Beginners

    Okay, I'm new to relativity(I'm only a HS senior), and our school doesn't cover topics such as relativity or quantum mechanics, they don't even touch them. So, I'm forced to learn about relativity on my own, but, wanted to know what a good book would be to started my learning process. Keep in...