Recent content by Indiana

  1. Indiana

    Studying Can I solve research problems with only BS in Mathematics?

    Currently I'm undergrad in Mathematics and confused about getting a Phd. I'm not interested in academia. I'm more interested in startups or jobs in the industry. The only thing that is making me to do PhD is solving research problems. Say I'm reading a machine learning book or QFT book or a...
  2. Indiana

    Other Will a PhD help me as a startup founder?

    I'm planning to get double honours in CS and Pure Math. But I'm very confused about getting a PhD? Will it help me as a startup founder? (Link to my post on academia stackexchange, but I'm still confused) The only thing that is stopping me from getting a PhD is time. I have excellent...
  3. Indiana

    A Where does statistical physics/mechanics fit in with QFT,GR?

    We have two theories namely,Quantum Field Theory which works very well at sub-atomic scales, and the General Relativity which works very well at very large scales.So, my question is where does statistical physics/mechanics fit in? What role statistical physics/mechanics play in today's modern...
  4. Indiana

    Which is more mathematical?

    Which is more mathematical among The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics and Mathematics for Physics by Michael Stone and Paul Goldbart? Both of them are applied mathematics books. What are the main differences between them? Which is more mathematical i.e. mathematically advanced...