Recent content by imull

  1. I

    Solve Integral of y dx: Step-by-Step Guide

    Thanks for the help guys. I didn't even think about doing what SammyS did, but I got it now and I've moved on. BTW, I'm self studying Calc 2.
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    Solve Integral of y dx: Step-by-Step Guide

    Ron Larson Bruce Edwards Calculus 10E
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    Solve Integral of y dx: Step-by-Step Guide

    Homework Statement Solve the differential equation: dy/dx = y+3 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution When I try to integrate with respect to x, I get ∫dy/dxdx - ∫ydx=∫3dx→y-∫ydx=3x So what does one do about the integral of y with respect to x? There is nothing...
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    What's next in Calculus 2 after a successful semester of Calc 1?

    Thank you guys. These are helpful.
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    What's next in Calculus 2 after a successful semester of Calc 1?

    Sounds like it's going to be really interesting and a nice challenge.
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    What's next in Calculus 2 after a successful semester of Calc 1?

    When you say integration, is there much of a difference between Calc 1 integration and Calc 2 integration?
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    What's next in Calculus 2 after a successful semester of Calc 1?

    So...What's Calculus 2 like? So I just completed Calculus 1 with an A+ for the semester. What should I be expecting in Calculus 2 if the topics in Calc 1 were limits, differentiation, applications of differentiation, some integration, natural logs, logs, e, and hyperbolic functions?
  8. I

    Calculating Light Beam Speed with Inverse Trig Functions

    Okay, thank you. The reason that I did the arctan stuff was because we're doing arctan derivatives, so I figured my teacher would want me to do it that way.
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    Calculating Light Beam Speed with Inverse Trig Functions

    Homework Statement A patrol car is 50 ft from a long warehouse. The revolving light on top of the car turns at a rate of 30 rotations per minute. How fast is the beam of light moving along the warehouse wall when the beam makes a 45° angle with the line perpendicular from the light to the...
  10. I

    Programs Is this considered a 'pure math' major?

    Yes it was my number one option. It is in state (lower tuition), a small school (1000-1500), and WV high school students with an overall 3.0 gpa by the end of their senior year get Promise Scholarship ($4700 per year for 4 years). I wanted a small school because it is what I am used to. Also...
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    Programs Is this considered a 'pure math' major?

    Thank you so much for finding that, MathWarrior! It is very helpful.
  12. I

    Programs Is this considered a 'pure math' major? There's a link to the major.
  13. I

    Programs Is this considered a 'pure math' major?

    Is it considered a 'pure' math major if classes like calc 1-3, diff eq, linear algebra, analysis, and discrete maths are a part of the major? If so, would an engineering or physics major be considered 'applied' mathematics?
  14. I

    Integrating ln(√x)/x: A Challenging Logarithmic Integral

    Homework Statement ∫(ln(√x))/(x)dx Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am really not sure where to start. All of the other integration problems were relatively simple, sticking with the ∫u'/udu = ln(u).
  15. I

    Phd in Electrical Engineering?

    I know how that sounds haha, but I had a general idea of what an EE PhD would do. I just wanted a more specific description.