Recent content by Imtiaz Ahmad

  1. Imtiaz Ahmad

    Improve Physics Concepts: Learn the Method

    Yes I pass my master degree in physics
  2. Imtiaz Ahmad

    Improve Physics Concepts: Learn the Method

    First I want to clear by my basic concepts than I go next and next that's my way
  3. Imtiaz Ahmad

    Exploring Rider Motion on a Ferris Wheel: Translatory vs. Rotatory Movement

    how do rider in ferris wheel possesses translatory but not rotatory motion?
  4. Imtiaz Ahmad

    Relationship between voltage, power and current

    Thanks But Is this answer corrected. If current is double P = 2 I * 2 V
  5. Imtiaz Ahmad

    Relationship between voltage, power and current

    P = I V P= I (2) R P = V (2) / R