Recent content by implicit

  1. I

    Exploring the Einstein Field Equations with a Simulation

    Thank you for the replies! First of all, no, it is not my aim to find general solutions to Einstein's Equations, I believe that would be quite a difficult task. Instead, I would like to simulate the curvature of spacetime in a Minkowski sytem. In short, imagine a ball of mass m (a star), and...
  2. I

    3d simulation of special relativity

    Fantastic! Could you make the game available to the general public after you finish it? That would be superb!
  3. I

    Exploring the Einstein Field Equations with a Simulation

    Hello, As with a lot of people, I have been excited and fascinated by the field equations Einstein described, revealing the curvature of spacetime. I would like to create a computer simulation which simulates the effects of the Einstein Field Equations, in other words, the curvature of...