Recent content by Immu85

  1. I

    Admissions Tricky master's thesis problem

    Thanks DrClaude. That's what I thought originaly. It's just that the professor "shot down" that by saying that rewarding for negative findings is not easy. But I think that might be my best bet alright. Tack! (And no, I'm not Swedish for those who might be thinking that :wink:)
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    Admissions Tricky master's thesis problem

    Once again, thank you so much for all the comments! I appreciate them. The division in my country is such that the supervisor really does only look at the thesis in order to establish a grade and for that grade to be a 5(out of five), the uni requires for the thesis to have novel...
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    Admissions Tricky master's thesis problem

    Hi Thank you for a fast response and for sharing your experience and opinions. While I would wish a similar situation on nobody, it's conforting to know that I'm not the only one in with this situation. Getting a job after graduating where I can carry out and publish research is certainly...
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    Admissions Tricky master's thesis problem

    Hi, This is my first post and by no means a simple question, I believe. But all advice is appreciated. In particular, if there are university teachers/professors that are willing to give their opinion, I’d be very grateful. So thank you in advance. Here’s a little background regarding my...
  5. I

    Master's Student in Engineering Shares Advice on PF - Join the Discussion!

    Hi I'm Immu, a master's student in engineering. Great to be here and I hope that I can, not only receive, but also give some advice in areas familiar to me. See you!