Recent content by iliedonUA

  1. I

    Questions on relativistic mass and directional relativity?

    that concept... i really don't care about it one way or the other, i could go on and on about dang like that, from your perspective the concept makes no sense, but i have other things to base that on, i guess i'll phrase this as a binding energy question somewhere else, thanks for your time peoples
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    Questions on relativistic mass and directional relativity?

    this site lags my old video card for some reason, that and my head hurts, i guess i'll so just type on wordpad soo much easier ok I'm aware that the fields become stretched and there's more to account for, I'm basically only talking about the effects of time dilation i'll probably go to a...
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    Questions on relativistic mass and directional relativity?

    it only has some do to with GR, i could write a paper on it and not even mention it, but... i pretty much know what answers I'm going to get from you guys, I'm more or less just feeling around, but i would like answers I don't think GR or SR are as complicated as you'd all have me believe, I've...
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    Questions on relativistic mass and directional relativity?

    well that pretty much answers my question, i don't see how suck a weak attraction could be attributed to anything else but gravity still i have 1 last thing, like a proton at 7 TeV in the LHC, we can't weigh it, but we can say it would have a gravitational increase of like how many factors...
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    Questions on relativistic mass and directional relativity?

    i guess more I'm curious as to a very general number, like two steel beams passing near each other like a foot away at opposite directions going 99.99999999999999999% speed of light if i took two steal beams on Earth which were not moving relative to each other, i would visually detect no...
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    Questions on relativistic mass and directional relativity?

    well my question is still valid and I don't really see how anything Nugatory has said has changed anything if no one wants to try and answer why two beams would have more attraction, I'm curious how much more attraction would they have compared with two beams on Earth for instance this is...
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    Questions on relativistic mass and directional relativity?

    i get what you're saying and i agree but i still would like answers to some questions
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    Questions on relativistic mass and directional relativity?

    ok but why? ok, and i assume this has to do with time dilation in the fact that time is very slowed down and even more so because of the fact that they are traveling in opposite directions right? and in a sense, because there's more time there's more gravity? no that's probably the wrong...
  9. I

    Questions on relativistic mass and directional relativity?

    ok ok but what about my other questions like the iron beam question? that would answer the weight question in a way that satisfies me
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    Questions on relativistic mass and directional relativity?

    Okay these are kind of layman questions but I appreciate the time and effort for answering. You've probably got the question like when a proton is in the LHC what do people mean by it gains mass as it reaches a faster speed I realize it gains acceleration mass in the way it's continually...
  11. I

    Explain how light moves in relative motion due to special relativity?

    well you've certainly all given me something to think about, if i don't reply to this in a few more days assume i get it, etc, thanks, i didn't really mind the derailment from earlier, and yes i messed up the 83% should've been 86% i went from memory
  12. I

    Explain how light moves in relative motion due to special relativity?

    I've been told on many occasions that light will always be measured at the same speed regardless of measuring equipment speed as long as there is no acceleration and you are moving the same speed relative to that object you are measuring from if that is incorrect please ignore what i say...
  13. I

    Can Atomic Clocks Measure Time Accurately Underground?

    why does it need to be an atomic clock? just because it's more accurate?