Recent content by idraftscience

  1. I

    Finite difference method to solve first-order, multivariable

    Initial conditions given are T(z,0), Y(z,0), T*(z,0), W(z,0), Yw(z,0), and boundary conditions are T(0,t) and Y(0,t). My formulation is to replace the approximation into the four equations above, and separate the parameters such that they can be represented in the form Ax=b, where x are the...
  2. I

    Finite difference method to solve first-order, multivariable

    I'm trying to replicate the model presented in this [paper](, which is basically to model heat and mass transfer along a one-dimensional duct. There are four characteristic equations for this problem : Momentum conservation...
  3. I

    Parabolic pde with additional term

    Homework Statement Solve \frac{\partial v}{\partial t} = k\frac{\partial^2 v}{\partial x^2} - v 0\leq x \leq L t > 0 Homework Equations v(x,0) = f(x), v(0,t)=0, \frac{\partial v}{\partial x}(L,t) = -v(L,t) The Attempt at a Solution I've already attempted to solve...
  4. I

    Circular profile in compression (material mechanics)

    Homework Statement A circular profile with radius r is subjected to opposing compressive forces Fc in the x and y directions as show. If the material has compressive strength sigma_c = 2000MPA, at what compressive force Fc will the profile experience failure? Homework Equations...