Recent content by Ibrahim Hany

  1. Ibrahim Hany

    Electrical potential energy question

    Your intuition is right; potential energy between the two opposite charges increases as the two charges get apart from each other. If the first charge was at r=1, and the 2nd one was at r=2; then the Potential Energy between them (Potential Difference) would be Constant((1/1)-(1/2), which is...
  2. Ibrahim Hany

    Solve Diffusion Equation for 2nd BC w/ Source s(x)=cos(x)

    It is worth mentioning that this may not be the only way to approach the solution, but this is the way that I know and that way followed by Lamarsh in his solutions to the diffusion equation. May be other authors use a different/easier approach...I would be glad to know it!
  3. Ibrahim Hany

    Solve Diffusion Equation for 2nd BC w/ Source s(x)=cos(x)

    Although the flux vanishes at the boundaries, the derivative of the flux does not; this still annoys my intuition but this is what you will get when you follow the diffusion equation and the definition of the neutrons' current. How are you planning to use LT here, then? I think it is not...
  4. Ibrahim Hany

    Solve Diffusion Equation for 2nd BC w/ Source s(x)=cos(x)

    To design a thermal reactor, you should have a moderator to slow down neutrons to the thermal region where fission cross section for U235 is high enough. So, a reactor, is a source(which is your case has a cosine distribution) and a moderator, at least.
  5. Ibrahim Hany

    Solve Diffusion Equation for 2nd BC w/ Source s(x)=cos(x)

    I would say that this is the only boundary condition that you have. The symmetry around the center of the source and thus the flux, will lead you to have an even solution of the differential diffusion equation, which would be a Cosine..or a decaying exponential. So, you are left with two more...
  6. Ibrahim Hany

    How many barns at least for a commercial nuclear reactor?

    So, our question here is: what is the universal threshold value of microscopic cross section? Well, the answer is: the question is missing more data! Let me show you what I mean. I will assume that the question is about applications in fission nuclear reactors only. Now, assume I told you...
  7. Ibrahim Hany

    How many barns at least for a commercial nuclear reactor?

    Try to clarify your question and its purpose, may be that will help find a suitable answer. I can not understand what you want to say from this part. What did you mean by mentioning the high cross section of Gd-157? I suppose Gd-157 is used as a localized gamma source to destroy the cancerous...
  8. Ibrahim Hany

    Gamma Ray Spectroscopy - 97 keV Peak for U238 Metal

    Well, let me ask a little basic question, how did you perform the experiment? I could not stop the speculation that this may be just the X-Ray characteristic curve for U. Check the Uranium total transition energies (It does not matter which isotope because this is just electrons'...
  9. Ibrahim Hany

    Difference of B-10(n,2a)H-3 cross section in ENDF/B

    Probably, the later the more accurate as Astronuc mentioned. Also in case you are going to use it from a simulation software, it seems triggering to not use it in your application unless there exists some literature that validated the software for your application of interest. Otherwise, you...
  10. Ibrahim Hany

    Ideas for Camp activities/workshops

    Last year, the workshop on Rockets consisted of detailed (with no equations) explanation of the 3 Newton's laws, and how they apply respectively in launching a rocket. Then they were divided to teams, each team tune and color a bottle so that it withstand the friction force, and have least...
  11. Ibrahim Hany

    Ideas for Camp activities/workshops

    The average number for each group is 13 kids. There are two groups as I mentioned. Most activities are in the morning. Each workshop is about an hour and half. There is a short journey to a kinda distant place in the desert to have some stargazing experience, I attached a photo of such small...
  12. Ibrahim Hany

    Ideas for Camp activities/workshops

    Mmm, didn't consider these two ideas seriously before, will have a look and come to you again. Thanks a lot for your suggestions!
  13. Ibrahim Hany

    Ideas for Camp activities/workshops

    Seems interesting, I will give it a deep look and come back again! I did not understand the processing thing from the first look, but may be when I give it enough time later today, things light up! Thanks, my friend.
  14. Ibrahim Hany

    Ideas for Camp activities/workshops

    I am not sure if this should be here or in Astronomy forum! I am participating for my second time in an astronomy camp for children from 8 to 16 years as a teacher. Last year I designed and prepared three workshops; one on Stargazing, one on telescopes, one on rockets. The only fault that I...