Recent content by Ian Rumsey

  1. I

    Weather Patterns: Effect of Vertical Earth Rotation

    Could anybody say please, what change might occur in our current weather conditions, if the Earth rotated vertically, instead of the current angle of 22 1/2 degrees.
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    Trying to understand gravitomagnetism

    Gravitomagnetism? Is this not the field radiated by rotating mass? Is it not the force that causes tides? Is it not present in the atom due to the rotating mass of the electron? Is it not a medium through which instant communication may be made between all things, at all times? In simple...
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    Can the human brain decipher jumbled words?

    Gleemtenn; one, two, six, ten,-yes, but I feel three is one mroe.
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    Can the human brain decipher jumbled words?

    Aoccdrnig to a rsceheearr at Cmabigrde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can siltl raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid...
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    How Many Were Going to St. Ives? A Riddle Explored

    sixtysix if you include the bus driver.
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    Show Difference Between Human & Pocket Calculator

    I don't think there is an absolute answer, but the best so far seems to be- Say the pocket calculator had a ten digit display. Question 1. 1234567890 times 1 Answers Calculator 1234567890 - immediately. Me 1234567890 - almost immediately. Question 2. 1234567890 times 8 Answers...
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    Can a Life Form Think and be Intelligent?

    Honestrosewater. I find the debate most interesting. I think (thats juggling with imagined reality) I will believe , for the time being, that my reasoning is conceptionally correct. It is reassuring to feel that whatever method of evaluation is used the question should obtain the same answer...
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    Show Difference Between Human & Pocket Calculator

    Gentlemen, you are avoiding the question. How could you SHOW the difference between these two situations. Just 3 simple questions will suffice.
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    Can a Life Form Think and be Intelligent?

    Definition of Terms-May I suggest. Think-Being able to imagine reality. Power of reason- Being able to juggle imagined reality. Aware- Believing 'I think therefore I am' Deduction- Being able to juggle imagined reality and come to a correct solution in reality. Itself-Being aware,as defined...
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    Show Difference Between Human & Pocket Calculator

    A pocket calculator is programmed but cannot think. I could provide the same answers but I am not programmed. How could one show the difference between these two situations?
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    Can a Life Form Think and be Intelligent?

    We have a life form that can think. If the life form can think it must have the power of reason. The power of reason would permit a 3rd fact being obtained from 2 other facts. The life form would be aware of its ability of deduction. The life form would be aware of itself. The life form...
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    What is the Philosophical Explanation for Gravity?

    Could anybody say please, in amongst your gravity considerations, whether in theory, a horizontal gravitomagnetic field, produced by a rotating mass, would be influenced by a vertical magnetic field.
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    Finding the Optimal Chess Board Puzzle Piece Arrangement

    Ceptimus,rather like your solution,can you form your twelve different pentominoes into rectangles. 20 x 3 ;15 x 4 ;12 x 5 ;10 x 6 ;
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    Finding the Optimal Chess Board Puzzle Piece Arrangement

    Most complex. That which is most difficult to solve.
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    Is Mass Outside of Space-Time the Ultimate Brain Twister?

    Would this subject actually be the biggest brain twister of all time? All the information is available,its just the interpretation of the facts.