Recent content by i_island0

  1. I

    Classical Recommended Physics Books for Beginners with Basic Mathematics Knowledge : this is new one i found... only problems
  2. I

    Who First Plotted the Spectral Radiancy Curve and When?

    Hello everyone, I am a physics teacher and off late i was pondering on just a general information about the spectral radiancy curve. I wanted to know, who actually was the first one to do the experiments and make the plot. And in which year it was done. I believe that unless the curve is made...
  3. I

    Moment if inertia of a point mass

    firstly, the particle is not rotating about point O it is just falling under gravity. Secondly, let's look at another problem. Q. Consider an Atwood machine with pulley having mass M, radius R and sufficient friction such that the thread doesn't slip on it. The masses on the two sides are m1...
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    Moment if inertia of a point mass

    Homework Statement I am struggling with a simple point. Suppose a particle of mass 'm' is located at (a, b) in XY plane (a,b > 0). Gravity is in -Y direction. The particle is to let fall under gravity. Suppose it falls by a height 'h' after some time 't'. I have two questions. (i) What is...
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    History of Physics: Newton or Later Development?

    I know it is a bit naive to ask in here.. but can anyone tell who was the first one to actually start talking about reference frame. Was it Newton or later development by some people of that era corrected Newtons law. Historically i checked many places but no answers as of yet. And who gave...
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    Surface Tension at Critical Temperature: Contact Angle?

    thx.. i think my understanding is getting better now
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    Surface Tension at Critical Temperature: Contact Angle?

    At critical temperature, the surface tension becomes zero. What happens to contact angle at critical temperature?
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    Surface tension_another problem

    i shall rephrase my question. A small spherical ball is floating in liquid layer due to surface tension. Thus it depresses the liquid layer as if it is an elastic membrane. So shall we say that buoyant force doesn't act on it?
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    Is the pressure at points P1 and P2 the same in surface tension controversy?

    thx.. i wish some one can reply on this. AS far as i understand, the curvature of meniscus should not be hemispherical.
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    Surface tension_another problem

    Suppose that there is a small spherical ball of mass 'm' floating on surface of a liquid due to surface tension. The contact angle between ball and liquid is theta. Is there any way to calculate exactly as what fraction of ball will be inside the fluid. Buoyancy should not be neglect.
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    Is the pressure at points P1 and P2 the same in surface tension controversy?

    So can you please tell me what should be the correct equation then. As i m really confused about all this.
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    Is the pressure at points P1 and P2 the same in surface tension controversy?

    Surface tension is a surface phenomenon. So when i am inside the liquid, surface tension has no role to play. I am using P = Po + dgh (d: density of liquid) to find the pressure. So where is the flaw?
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    Is the pressure at points P1 and P2 the same in surface tension controversy?

    We know about capillary rise. And we say that meniscus is hemispherical in shape. Now please see this picture. There i am mentioning two points where the pressure is indicated as P1 and P2. I am also mentioning two other points 1' and...
  14. I

    The Free Surface Profile: Investigating Liquid Energy

    In fox mcdonald - 6th edition page 83...i read that the free surface profile is independent of any property of liquid. But i have doubt that any liquid tried to acquire a shape so as to minimize its energy. So what went wrong?