Recent content by i82muchpi

  1. I

    Engineering Circuit Analysis of driven RC Circuit with short circuits

    Homework Statement Determine the value of the current labeled i and the voltage labeled v at t=0+, t= 1.5 ms, and t = 3.0 ms. Homework Equations Ohm's law: v = i *r Decay in source free RC Circuit v(t) = v@0 * e^(-t/RC) The Attempt at a Solution i(0-) = 0.1 A. Therefore, v across 200 ohm =...
  2. I

    Why does a4n electron need to move in an orbit?

    No I do not know what a central force is. Kindly explain it for me.
  3. I

    Why does a4n electron need to move in an orbit?

    The "a4n" electron is simply a typing mistake. I meant it to be "an electron". Also, sorry about the usage of orbits. I am just used to using the word. I read the General Physics FAQ but I have a few questions. But I do not still understand why do electrons need to move in the first place...
  4. I

    Why does a4n electron need to move in an orbit?

    Note: This isn't a HW question. I have learned that the magnitude of charge of a proton and electron is the same (i.e. 1.602 * 10^19 Columbs). Then why does an electron need to move in an orbit because the charges could cancel each other out and the electron could remain stationary. I...