Recent content by hotel

  1. H

    What is the relationship between filtering and eigenfunctions?

    Hi, I don’t know if I understand eigenfunction correctly, I hope someone can help me with it. By definition of eigenfunction as Af=Lf ; Is it correct to say that filtering (A) is equal to scaling (L) through representation of a function by eigenfunction (f) ? thanks
  2. H

    Magnetic potential and inverse square law

    why the magnetic potential is a vector? And the other thing is could you (anyone) explain how the equation above is equivalent to the inverse square law? Because I cannot see the indication of 'square of the distance' in the fraction inside the integral ! for example what is the problem...
  3. H

    Magnetic potential and inverse square law

    Hi I am in doubt about the lack of the squared distance r in the expression below: v(r)= constant* int_vol div M /|r_0 - r| dV M: magnetization vector r : displacement vectors Is it correct to say that magnetic potential V(r) obeys the inverse square law ? Or it is more correct to say that...
  4. H

    What is the relationship between wavelength and frequency in a stationary wave?

    thanks for your help :smile: you are right, and I did a mistake about the wavelength. So it seems that it is impossible to find wavelength from frequency, phase and amplitude without knowing some kind of velocity ! I hope this time I am on the write track !
  5. H

    What is the relationship between wavelength and frequency in a stationary wave?

    why frequency must be inverse function of time ? It can be inverse function of space as well I think, like f = 1/meter (number of cycles per meter)?! If stationary waves have opposite velocities then practically they should cancel each other and the resultant velocity will be zero! In...
  6. H

    What is the relationship between wavelength and frequency in a stationary wave?

    Hi what is the relation between wavelength (L) and frequency (f) ? I know that L = c/f but if we have a stationary wave with no velocity (c), can we express wavelength with: L = 1/f ? thanks
  7. H

    How to satisfy Laplace's equation ?

    what if the domain is closed ? how are the boundary conditions in this case ? Or the equation can only be satisfied under open domains?
  8. H

    How to satisfy Laplace's equation ?

    so for which conditions are the Laplace equation not satisfied ? Is it only at discontinuities in some region of a function and discontinuities at the boundaries of a function ?
  9. H

    How to satisfy Laplace's equation ?

    Hi I am not quit sure I have understand the laplace equation correctly. I hope some one can help me with it. As far as I understand if we are able to differentiate any function twice, then the function is harmonic. so we assume V(x,y) is harmonic because of the above. Does...
  10. H

    How Does the Divergence of Magnetic Field Relate to Magnetizing Fields?

    I 'm not sure !? but how do we get from this:
  11. H

    How Does the Divergence of Magnetic Field Relate to Magnetizing Fields?

    Hi I am trying to derive the relation between magnetic field strength in materials and magnetizing field from the $\mathbf B$ field. More exactly, my question is: how do we get this expression $\nabla \centerdot \mathbf H = - \nabla \centerdot \mathbf M$ \\ knowing...