Recent content by holomorphic

  1. H

    Schools Re-neging Grad School Acceptance

    Hi all, I didn't hear from a particular school until today about my PhD application. Unfortunately, I already accepted admission at another school--is there a way to back out of that if I want to go to this other school? Advice much appreciated.
  2. H

    Struggling with Basic Math: How to Overcome Embarrassment and Build Confidence

    I can't advocate this enough. You might find it slow going, and when you remind yourself to check with a calculator the answer of some question you had at the supermarket, you might get it wrong. But the main thing is to practice. Also try to visualize/sense. Someone above mentioned that...
  3. H

    Struggling with Basic Math: How to Overcome Embarrassment and Build Confidence

    A huge part of this is being able to approximate quantities. Something that many famous scientists have in common, and that children with an aptitude for math have been found to have, is a tendency to make estimates of everyday things. I didn't start out this way, but now there is probably not...
  4. H

    Programs Got into PhD program-without funding

    Apparently not, according to the admitting department.
  5. H

    Programs Got into PhD program-without funding

    Got into PhD program--without funding! Hi all, Well, I was accepted to an applied math PhD program that I really wanted to attend. Actually it was the only program I applied to that I had particularly strong feelings about. Anyway, as you read above, I wasn't offered funding and I'm told I...
  6. H

    Emailing grad students to ask about their experience?

    I'm in a similar situation and would be interested in answers to this question.
  7. H

    *angry rant* (or valiant rant)

    At this point you all have strayed pretty far from the OP's question, and have begun re-hashing a debate that has taken place in other threads. This is a dead thread.
  8. H

    Math Math intensive jobs: No research or teaching

    My frank opinion is that you should not dismiss subjects that you don't yet know anything about. You might find it challenging and stimulating to get a degree in aerospace or electrical engineering--you should research these. Based on your opinions above, I think you're right not to want to go...
  9. H

    Debating transfer (gpa will be lower if i do)

    My understanding is that the specific way your school calculates your GPA doesn't matter. As you rightly mention, an admissions committee is going to see the Fs no matter what. If you report a GPA to them of 4.0 because your current school ignores a few grades, and then they look at your...
  10. H

    Math Math intensive jobs: No research or teaching

    Please. No one uses those in practice. ... let me be clear that I am trying to employ humor. I thought the OP was being kind of cavalier about the whole, vast multi-discipline field of engineering.
  11. H

    Math Math intensive jobs: No research or teaching

    It's true--probably the most difficult math problem you'd find in all of engineering is solving a linear, separable PDE. Everything else is just a variant of the same old problem, just with different numbers. Do physics--you'll be a billionaire before you're 30, and beat the coming mass...
  12. H

    Is becoming a math/gym teacher a realistic career goal for researching?

    You would need parental permission to gather such data, and they would probably consider it more than a little weird for a teacher to do this. My instinct tells me very few schools would be interested in having a physical education teacher who does this. At the end of the day, you would...
  13. H

    Is becoming a math/gym teacher a realistic career goal for researching?

    Delong, do you happen to know what his undergraduate degree was in?
  14. H

    Is becoming a math/gym teacher a realistic career goal for researching?

    Let me add that, though there are definitely skilled education or "math education" majors out there, I do not personally know any who I would want teaching my children math. They're out there, I've just never met them.
  15. H

    Is becoming a math/gym teacher a realistic career goal for researching?

    First let me say that I don't mean to naysay your plan. It is good that you are able to speak frankly about your hopes and fears. Now, let me make an observation: I have never known or heard of a gym teacher who was an active researcher in math, let alone a high school math teacher who was...