Recent content by holly

  1. holly

    Help Name Chroot-Monique's Love-Childs, Please

    This is inane. I had no idea Loren Booda was male. I thought Loren was a woman's name. Does the jumping to some sort of sexist conclusion indicate anything about this person's thinking process and attitude? Gosh, I wonder. And to term this thread "sexual fantasy," when it is certainly not...
  2. holly

    Help Name Chroot-Monique's Love-Childs, Please

    One of the negative aspects of posting on fora is illustrated by the above post, removed from its context and placed to try to sow discord and anger. __________________________________________________________ I hope most people reading these boards can discern between lighthearted threads...
  3. holly

    Help Name Chroot-Monique's Love-Childs, Please

    Tsunami's Childs are adorable, but dare I say it? They are SPOILED ROTTEN little things! Always carrying stuffed toy skunks around and trying to xray all the other Childs! The aliens had to squelch their playtime plans, they were chattering about "contrast studies" and one of them had a big tub...
  4. holly

    Help Name Chroot-Monique's Love-Childs, Please

    I don' t know why The Bob is crying about the unclaimed tots...his e-genes have already been used DOZENS of times! The Forum Childs with his e-genes are really big eaters, though, the aliens have to bring in truckloads of food for them...cookiemonster is also rather boldly respresented, but I...
  5. holly

    Why does the sky appear white on the horizon?

    A white sky means that there are many particles of mixed sizes present. The smoggy look of a muddy brown indicates many large particulates are present. I don't think humidity makes the sky appear white, because the water molecule is a very tiny one and would tend to scatter blue.
  6. holly

    Help Name Chroot-Monique's Love-Childs, Please

    Evo, you don't need just a man, you specifically need either an EMT or a keeper, honey! Please be more careful, your e-genes are among the most precious and sought-after. I worry about some of the people on these boards, I really do. They seem, well, unsafe to themselves...horribly...
  7. holly

    Is Your Name an Anagram for Something Sinister?

    loseyourname: There's always someone like you at every party. But of course, the Cards revealed That. ******************* DarkAnt: The Cards you chose reveal that Trouble, Lies and Deceit are associated with a Light-Compleckted woman. You will go to her house. Beware. She may not mean ill...
  8. holly

    Help Name Chroot-Monique's Love-Childs, Please

    Ah, yes, many of the childs were routed through skunkdom, but have since returned to their virtual forms in the Virtual Nursery. The Aliens have become rather attached to the childs and have been diverted from their idea of taking over our World one forum at a time. They just keep hanging around...
  9. holly

    Is Your Name an Anagram for Something Sinister?

    *sigh* loseyourname. Ah, Those without the Vision, they pick Apart the Words of the Seers and display their Literal and Argumentative Natures. So sad, so sad. Beachglass, O Observant One, is Glass that you find on the Beach, washed Up by the waves and with a Frosty Appearance from the...
  10. holly

    Who's Behind the Graffiti on Campus?

    I chalk this myself all over: Speed on, sinners. Hell ain't half-full yet...That's from a physicist I knew. Have that lettered on my car, too. I like to put JesusSeesUs on the back windshield in car chalk.
  11. holly

    Help Name Chroot-Monique's Love-Childs, Please

    Janitor, I have news: You have 14 electro-forum childs to your name so far...the Aliens LIKE you, it seems, wish your code to continue. Your Childs in the Virtual Nursery bustle about nicely, changing their own diapers and polishing the floor with their little crocheted booties...I'm not going...
  12. holly

    Help Name Chroot-Monique's Love-Childs, Please

    It is sad, The Bob. Very sad. And there are many, many unclaimed Electro-Forum childs in the Virtual Nursery, you know. This is all very secret, and I can see now I should never have pointed out this sad side effect of Posting in Alien-Controlled Fora, because the PF people just aren't ready for...
  13. holly

    Are These Real-Life Pranks or Just Urban Legends?

    :smile: :smile: :smile: hee hee hee That's hilarious. Are you a bit gullible? I like to play practical jokes on people. This is giving me some new ideas.
  14. holly

    Hawking Solves Black Hole Mystery

    I KNEW the yardstick would work. Now we ALL feel better. Except for me. I thought that the BH really were going to "burp" the information back out, as marcus so pithily put it. Isn't that what Dr. Hawking says now? And we can catch the information? But marcus is thinking that's not it, so...
  15. holly

    Hawking Solves Black Hole Mystery

    Human psychology evidently has its own version of a black hole: Everything that gets sucked in eventually gets spewed out, many times on the wrong people. And usually nice-natured people, if they hang around with not-so-nice people, sometimes get pulled into darkness, too. A little tip to...