Recent content by Hexnergy

  1. H

    Beijing Television Cultural Center Fire,_2009 Can anyone explain to me why didn't this building collapse on itself after burning for 5 hours? I thought the steel would have weakened enough to allow some kind of total or partial collapse. This...
  2. H

    Need advise on strange situation.

    and you have some way of predicting the scary picture will be the end result?
  3. H

    Natural thinking, common sense, and science?

    you are right! that's exactly my point... we know information about things because somebody started asking questions... and building a knowledge base, but its like today scientists are shocked to find out that the universe is this old... or there's a new planet... or this or that, i bet they...
  4. H

    Need advise on strange situation.

    wow this is disturbing! why would you want to hurt another person unless its self-defense? if i found out my girl was cheating Id be happy, now i can find another person that i can trust instead of living a lie... kids don't need to know... if they find out they can be told like normal humans...
  5. H

    Natural thinking, common sense, and science?

    I just watched some pbs program about the universe, and the conclusion was that existence is no accident, its the universe working for billions of years... seriously? you just wasted 1hr of my time to tell me something a little kid couldve told me in 10secs..? Im no scientist... but i can...
  6. H

    Need advise on strange situation.

    Yeah man talk to her about it see what's going on... if you say she has a stable life then she just want something on the side, nothing wrong with that... if she's under trouble at home or something then Id say don't get involved in her troubles... Be careful about sexual harassment stuff man...
  7. H

    Need advise on strange situation.

    Just talk to her about it... if she's into you Id say go for it unless you don't like that sort of thing...
  8. H

    Programs Best/appropiate major for sustainable/renewable energy?

    well now i see why many people don't go to college, its too frustrating and confusing! haha...
  9. H

    News The political future of Chelsea Clinton

    haha wow! at least let the woman run for office 1st and then start bashing... looks like Chelsea scares a lot of people, not bad for a person that hasnt done much... haha
  10. H

    Programs Best/appropiate major for sustainable/renewable energy?

    ChemE undergrad; Nucl. E grad? Let's suppose I do a undergrad as chemE, and right after that (0-2yrs) I start grad for nuclear E... how much overlap between..? is it a stupid move..? Should I even find a job as chemE...? reason is I am interested in both fields...
  11. H

    News What was McCain's comment on JFK and the intervention .. tragedy?

    i agree but how do you mispeak "intervention" from "assassination"??
  12. H

    News Palin pick an insult to our intelligence

    The 2012 republican presidential candidate will depend on how well Obama runs the country... (and with the current situation, I am sure he's going to fix a few things)... so Palin is the best lamb to throw to Obama the Wolf in 2012 if things get better... she's stupid enough to never realize...
  13. H

    Programs Best/appropiate major for sustainable/renewable energy?

    Thanks thanks, I am leaning more engineering... but definitely will try to get as much as I can. Dont think I want to do a phd, don't like teaching... I think what I like about chemical eng is that is very broad and expanded... thanks for the nfo.
  14. H

    Tipping has gotten out of hand in the US

    I tip for exceptional service provided... when people go above and beyond, out of their way to make sure I am satisfied... tips are for extra service that's not required, necessary, requested, or paid for... something the person did as a personal favor to you.
  15. H

    Programs Best/appropiate major for sustainable/renewable energy?

    Interesting! I'm actually very interested in fusion and how to make it possible... I've read the 1st fusion reactor won't be built before 2030! how do I get into fusion coming from chem engineering backgrond or what's the best path to fusion? thanks