Recent content by Hernaner28

  1. H

    [Wolfram Mathematica] - how scripts work in Mathematica

    Thanks mate! I think I could fix it with this: Euler[c_, final_, step_, o_, r_, b_] := Module[{x}, x = ConstantArray[0, {Quotient[final, step], 3}]; x[[1]] = c; For[i = 2, i <= Quotient[final, step], i++, x[[i, 1]] = o*(x[[i - 1, 2]] - x[[i - 1, 1]])*step + x[[i - 1, 1]] ...
  2. H

    [Wolfram Mathematica] - how scripts work in Mathematica

    [Wolfram Mathematica] -- how scripts work in Mathematica Hi. This is not a homework. I just did a script in Octave and I've just finished writing it on Wolfram Mathematica. The problem is that I don't know how to define the function, I don't know how scripts work in Mathematica. My script...
  3. H

    [Wolfram Mathematica] Using Newton's method to solve non-linear system

    Hi. This is not actually not part of the homework; but it's something I'd like to do. I have to solve the following system using Newton-Raphson's method: $$\begin{matrix} \frac{X}{\mu }+Y=1 \\ X=\left( \lambda -\left( K-1 \right)X \right)Y \\ \end{matrix}$$ Surfing the...
  4. H

    Why Machine epsilon is defined this way?

    D H how do you express zero with the format you mentioned? Is that the normalized floating point representation? Is 1.0 stored or not?
  5. H

    Why Machine epsilon is defined this way?

    Thank you all! I think I understand now
  6. H

    Why Machine epsilon is defined this way?

    Hi. I'm studying numerical methods so I found this subforum the most correct for this question. The machine epsilon for a computer is defined as the least number e such that 1 + e is different to 1. I just wonder, why 1 + e? And not 2 + e for instance? Thanks!
  7. H

    Solving a System of Congruences Using Chinese Remainder Theorem

    Ahh I see, that's it, the least common multiple. Thanks both!
  8. H

    Solving a System of Congruences Using Chinese Remainder Theorem

    I've looked at the solution and the next step was to say that system is equivalent to: \displaystyle x\equiv -1\left( \bmod {{3}^{2}}\cdot {{2}^{3}}\cdot 7\cdot 5 \right) which is a piece of cake. Even so, I do not understand what was done there. It's not the factorization of 9x8x7x6x5x2...
  9. H

    Solving a System of Congruences Using Chinese Remainder Theorem

    Yes. I know how to solve this kind of systems. To do that I always use the extended euclidean algorithm to compute the inverse of a (in the equation you wrote). But in this particular problem I have 8 equations and it would be tedious to solve one, and then replace it in the next, and then again...
  10. H

    Solving a System of Congruences Using Chinese Remainder Theorem

    Yes. That follows from the solutions for the linear diophantine equations. What do you suggest? THanks!
  11. H

    Solving a System of Congruences Using Chinese Remainder Theorem

    Homework Statement Solve the following system: \displaystyle \left\{ \begin{array}{*{35}{l}} x\equiv 1\left( \bmod 2 \right) \\ x\equiv 2\left( \bmod 3 \right) \\ x\equiv 3\left( \bmod 4 \right) \\ x\equiv 4\left( \bmod 5 \right) \\ x\equiv 5\left( \bmod 6 \right)...
  12. H

    Cannot finish calculating a double integral with change of coordinates

    Yes, I'm sure. It's \displaystyle f\left( x,y \right)=\frac{{{x}^{2}}}{{{x}^{2}}+{{y}^{2}}} and they suggest that change of coordinates.
  13. H

    Cannot finish calculating a double integral with change of coordinates

    Homework Statement Integrate: \displaystyle f\left( x,y \right)=\frac{{{x}^{2}}}{{{x}^{2}}+{{y}^{2}}} on the region: \displaystyle D=\left\{ \left( x,y \right)\in {{\mathbb{R}}^{2}}:0\le x\le 1,{{x}^{2}}\le y\le 2-{{x}^{2}} \right\} TIP: Use change of coordinates: \displaystyle...
  14. H

    What is the Best Approach for Solving a Complicated Double Integral?

    Homework Statement I've got to calculate: \displaystyle\int_0^1\displaystyle\int_0^x \sqrt{4x^2-y^2} dy dx Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I've tried the change of variable: \displaystyle t=4{{x}^{2}}-{{y}^{2}} but it doesn't get better. I've also tried polar...