Recent content by Her0

  1. Her0

    Finding the force of kinetic friction without a coefficient

    It's just a procedure my professor told us to use even though we could find the coefficient using μk = Ffk/Fn after Ffk was determined. Either way, thanks again for the help.
  2. Her0

    Finding the force of kinetic friction without a coefficient

    So I subbed in the values resulting in the equation becoming Ffk = (0.100 kg(9.81m/s^2))-((0.100kg+0.1553kg)(1.01m/s)) which resulted in the answer being 0.723 N rounded to three significant digits.
  3. Her0

    Finding the force of kinetic friction without a coefficient

    Fapp was a formula for applied force which I used to derive my new formula for Ffk. Other than that, I now have everything I need to calculate the force of friction. Thank you!
  4. Her0

    Finding the force of kinetic friction without a coefficient

    Okay so I tried doing that and essentially what I got was that Ffk = Mg - ma where Mg is the force of the hanging object and ma is the force of both masses of the system multiplied by the system's acceleration because Fnet = Fapp -Ffk.
  5. Her0

    Finding the force of kinetic friction without a coefficient

    Homework Statement In a lab assignment we created a Fletcher's trolley system and were asked to calculate the normal force, the force of friction, and then create a graph of both to find the coefficient of kinetic friction. So far, the variables I have are: Hanging mass: 0.100 kg Sliding...