Recent content by Hemipatuca

  1. Hemipatuca

    Appliances How Much Motor Power is Needed for a DIY Drum Coffee Roaster?

    Thank you for your reply, I'm aware that there are a lot of motors that can work but I don't want to underutilize power nor money. I would like to know how many hps or torque is needed to choose the correct one. Thank you again
  2. Hemipatuca

    Appliances How Much Motor Power is Needed for a DIY Drum Coffee Roaster?

    Hello, My name is Héctor and I love coffee, I'm working on a diy drum coffee roaster. Drum + load= 50 pounds, rotation needed = 10-60 Rpm, length from 20 to 30 cm. How can I determine the motor power that can turn my drum? Can someone help me please? Thank you in advance