Recent content by helpmeplz!

  1. H

    Questions on length contraction in train light clock experiment?

    Thanks, how does this make sense in the muon experiment though? It does not seem like there is any length contraction in the frame where the muon is at rest. Hence the muon would never make it through to Earth before decaying. For instance using the numbers here, in the frame in which the...
  2. H

    Questions on length contraction in train light clock experiment?

    Thank you very much! So to measure the length of something you have to do it simultaneously? But couldn't you also measure the length of something passing by you by starting your timer when the front passes you and stopping it when the back passes you? And then if you know the speed, you know...
  3. H

    Questions on length contraction in train light clock experiment?

    Hi guys, I've been thinking about this experiment for the last few hours and I have a few questions which I am deeply confused about. 1) In the light clock experiment, where light clock is set up so that light travels vertically, and the train carrying the clock travels horizontally, wouldn't...
  4. H

    How does the light from a laser reflect off objects with same color?

    Oh yeah that's true, So would there be some materials that would not reflect red at all because the frequency of the red laser beam that I'm using would not be one of the allowed frequencies in the object's electron's orbitals and so most of all the time would get absorbed?
  5. H

    How does the light from a laser reflect off objects with same color?

    Hey guys, I'm wondering how come if we're in a completely dark room and shine a laser beam at an object, we see the color of the laser beam (say it's red). How is this consistent with the the theory that objects appear a certain color since that is the frequency of light that they reflect? For...
  6. H

    How does light get absorbed if its a changing electric/mag field?

    Thank you, that was sort of my instinct as well. So basically if an atom is hit with light of exactly the right frequency to get absorbed, then it will move in a certain direction depending on the electric/magnetic field strenght and direction at that point. It's movement creates another...
  7. H

    How does light get absorbed if its a changing electric/mag field?

    Yeah I get what you're saying but since in the case of light it is the electric and magnetic fields that will get "absorbed", how do you get rid of electric and magnetic fields? How is it that an atom can stop the propogation of light if all it's supposed to do is move in relation to the field's...
  8. H

    How does light get absorbed if its a changing electric/mag field?

    Hey guys, I was just stuck on this idea. I know that in the classical sense, light or any kind of electromagnetic radiation is a continuously changing electric and magnetic field. As e field changes it creates a changing magnetic field which creates a changing electric field and so on...
  9. H

    How does Foucault's pendulum show the earth's rotation?

    Do you agree that the pendulum and the Earth are moving initially at the same rate? Then when the pendulum is about to swing, it has a velocity = Earth's velocity. As it swings, it gets an additional velocity and now moves at a different rate than the ground (earth) does right? So that's the...
  10. H

    How does Foucault's pendulum show the earth's rotation?

    But if Earth and wire moved at different rates, wouldn't the wire in 24 hours be left way behind and eventually hit the sides of the building?
  11. H

    How does Foucault's pendulum show the earth's rotation?

    Well the wire is held on to the ceiling, and the ceiling is connected to the building which is on the earth. And so when Earth moves, the building moves, and so does the ceiling and so does the wire? Oh I see, when the pendulum is first given a velocity, that velocity + velocity due to Earth's...
  12. H

    How does Foucault's pendulum show the earth's rotation?

    As you may know, Foucault's pendulum is an easy way to verify that the Earth is rotating about its axis. Its a pendulum that is free to swing in any direction. Since Earth rotates under it, the position of the pendulum with respect to the ground changes after some time. So you could put pins on...
  13. H

    Roller coasters: would we fall out without restraints?

    I ask because as you might have heard recently a person fell out of a roller coaster when her restraint came open last week in Ohio. I was always told that the physics of these ride designs made it so that the people would be safe even without a restraint. I'm skeptical about a few things...
  14. H

    Why don't we feel the gravity of other objects?

    I could only imagine, but those effects would simply slow down the rate at which the two object converge I assume? In my case, getting u of friction to be 0 of course would be impossible I assume under the laws of physics, so the friction force would always be uN= umg. The forces would look...