Recent content by HelloCthulhu

  1. HelloCthulhu

    DIY electrowetting on a hydrophilic surface

    Even as a layman, I've been fascinated with the structure and activity of water for years. And after reading this paper, I thought testing the electrostatic repulsion of water on a hydrophilic surface would be an interesting experiment. I'd like to see if the water droplet starts dispersing into...
  2. HelloCthulhu

    Mathematically expressing field driven water autoionization

    It's far beyond anything I have experience with. I've solved derivatives in the past, but wasn't familiar with second derivatives. To be honest, I'm in way over my head on these subjects. But even so I'd like to keep working on trying to understand them. Thank you so much for your help.
  3. HelloCthulhu

    Mathematically expressing field driven water autoionization

    Thank you for the response! I still have some questions about the variables. I know how to use Figure 6 to find the values for maximum interfacial field Ew/v or Et/w and water thickness rw/rt, but I'm still not sure what to do with ∈(E), d, or how to solve for ϕw or ϕv. In the end, all I'm...
  4. HelloCthulhu

    Mathematically expressing field driven water autoionization

    I recently read a paper on using an electric field to drive water autoionizaton. I'm trying to figure out how to use the Laplace equation on pg 9; 4th paragraph; to solve for voltage. I'm also interested in how this equation would change if I replaced the hemispherical tip with a parallel plate...
  5. HelloCthulhu

    How does an electric field create velocity in a water bridge?

    I'm not sure if this will help, but this article, "Dynamics Behaviors of Droplet on Hydrophobic Surfaces Driven by Electric Field" (2019), describes in section 3. Results and Discussion that a water droplet on a substrate within an electric field is "mainly affected by the inertial force...
  6. HelloCthulhu

    How does an electric field create velocity in a water bridge?

    I've been researching water bridges and electrowetting to learn the effects of electric fields on water molecules but something continues to confuse me: if polar molecules can only rotate in an electric field, how is the water moving? Anyone familiar with this phenomenon? Any help is greatly...
  7. HelloCthulhu

    PEM electrolyzer - How does platinum reduce activation energy?

    I've been researching pem electrolyzers, but still don't understand how to mathematically express how platinum reduces the activation energy necessary to dissociate H2O. I've seen the Arrhenius equation solved before, but didn't understand how to get the values for it. Here are the operating...
  8. HelloCthulhu

    What is the breakdown voltage for this two dielectric capacitor (BaTiO3,LPDE)?

    I'm still a little confused (still need practice with the derivations), but let's see how I do... BaTiO3 capacitance: $$C=K\epsilon_{0}\frac{A}{d}=7.434\times10^{-8} F$$ LDPE capacitance: $$C=K\epsilon_{0}\frac{A}{d}=9.97395\times10^{-10}F$$ Total Capacitance...
  9. HelloCthulhu

    What is the breakdown voltage for this two dielectric capacitor (BaTiO3,LPDE)?

    Thank you for the posting correction! Not sure how I forgot that. However, I'm still confused about what you mean by replacing numbers with symbols.
  10. HelloCthulhu

    What is the breakdown voltage for this two dielectric capacitor (BaTiO3,LPDE)?

    Ok, let's see if I can get this right... Total capacitance: $$C_{eq}=\frac{2}{9.97395\times10^{-10}}+\frac{1}{7.434\times10^{-10}}=3350394444.19$$ $$C_{eq}=\frac{1}{3350394444.19}=0.0000000002984723F=298.4723pF$$ BaTiO3...
  11. HelloCthulhu

    What is the breakdown voltage for this two dielectric capacitor (BaTiO3,LPDE)?

    I've done a few these before, but now I'm worried I've been using the wrong equation. Could you take a look at the first problem I posted here?
  12. HelloCthulhu

    What is the breakdown voltage for this two dielectric capacitor (BaTiO3,LPDE)?

    BaTiO3 thickness = 7mm = 0.007m dielectric constant = K = 1260 dielectric breakdown = E = 97MV/m (97kv/mm) (Structural, Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties of Tungsten Substituted Barium Titanate Ceramics, 2009) LDPE thickness = d = 0.007m dielectric constant = K = 2.3 dielectric...
  13. HelloCthulhu

    DC 20kV flyback converter schematic in multisim

    The turns were adjusted during the 26kV sim, but I've made the necessary changes to the transistor connections. Hope they're correct. New simulation just under 20kV.
  14. HelloCthulhu

    DC 20kV flyback converter schematic in multisim

    Thank you so much for your help on this. Other than the issue with the number of turns, I figured out that the schematic connections for the transistor as I understood them (which is probably wrong since the transformers don't look the same) was incorrect. After connecting the bottom of the top...
  15. HelloCthulhu

    DC 20kV flyback converter schematic in multisim

    I'm very new to transistors and transformers, so I'm not sure how to calculate the inductance for this circuit. I'm working on it now.