Recent content by Heidrun

  1. H

    [Statistics] Factorisation theorem proof

    Yes exactly. I don't see why we can write it.
  2. H

    [Statistics] Factorisation theorem proof

    Hello. I have a question about a step in the factorization theorem demonstration. 1. Homework Statement Here is the theorem (begins end of page 1), it is not my course but I have almost the same demonstration : Screenshot of it: Homework...
  3. H

    How are exams in your country?

    Yes and we randomly pick 1-2 questions so you're not tested on all the matter of the course. Problem is that I'm sure there's not, I've come to talk about this among other things with our dean and he told me that this is like this in Belgium and even if he would like to see that change, he has...
  4. H

    De Broglie about individuality and system

    I've read De Broglie's book "La Physique Nouvelle Et Les Quanta" from 1936, which translates in "The New Physics and Quanta" but I haven't found the english version of the book (not sure it exists). This book looks over what you can learn during approximately the 2 first years of a bachelor in...
  5. H

    How are exams in your country?

    I currently study physics in Belgium and I'd like to do a Master somewhere else in Europe. But even if you aren't from Europe, I'd like to read your experience on that matter. My problem is that I'm literally sick with the way the exams go in my country. We finish the semester's courses, then 2...
  6. H

    Insights on Physics Education in Belgium: A Student's Perspective

    My name is Veronica and I study physics (currently going through bachelor) in Belgium