Recent content by HastiM

  1. HastiM

    I 3p->2s: Why spectral line split into three lines in m. field

    Hello, suppose we have an excited hydrogen atom in 3p state which makes a transition to 2s state. Then the atom loses some energy by emitting a photon which can be detected (or seen). I have no problems with that situation. If there is an external magnetic field, the energy levels of the...
  2. HastiM

    I How to increase the energy of an electron

    Thank you very much!
  3. HastiM

    I How to increase the energy of an electron

    Hello, in class we learned about the hydrogen atom and in particular the quantum states describing the electron in hydrogen atom (we denoted them as usual by 1s, 2s, 2p etc.). Whenever we talked about state transitions of the electron, like transition from 1s to 2p state, we imagined an...
  4. HastiM

    Can C14 Atoms Be Detected Using NMR Despite 0% Natural Abundance?

    Homework Statement We want to image carbon C14 atoms using NMR with magnetic field of B=3 T. What frequency do we need to use? Use the following facts: C14 has 0% abundance, nuclear spin of I=3 and g=0.273 Homework Equations The frequency is given by f= (2⋅I) ⋅ (g ⋅B ⋅μ)/(1836 ⋅h), where μ...
  5. HastiM

    Stern Gerlach Experiment: How wide are the peaks?

    Thank you very much for your help. I think my course does not cover the distribution of velocities in a hot gas. Is there a simpler idea, when we neglect the distribution of velocities?
  6. HastiM

    Stern Gerlach Experiment: How wide are the peaks?

    The problem is given in an undergraduate course (fourth semester). I am sorry but I think I did not understand it fully. How does the peak explicitly depend on the velocity?
  7. HastiM

    Stern Gerlach Experiment: How wide are the peaks?

    Ok thank you for your help. How can I compute the width of the peaks then?
  8. HastiM

    Stern Gerlach Experiment: How wide are the peaks?

    Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, there is no picture given. But on the internet there are many pictures illustrating the situation. For example:
  9. HastiM

    Stern Gerlach Experiment: How wide are the peaks?

    Consider the Stern Gerlach experiment, where the oven has a temperature such that the most probable velocity of the silver atoms is 750 m/s. The atoms are collimated by two slits of 0.03 mm width. The magnetic field has a strength of 1 T, a gradient of 5 T/cm, and the length of the magnet is...
  10. HastiM

    Does every moving object have orbital angular momentum?

    Hello, in classical physics orbital angular momentum is defined as the cross product of the position vector 'r' and the momentum 'p'. A friend told me that all moving objects must have orbital angular momentum (even if it is moving along a straight line). That statement confuses me a lot...
  11. HastiM

    Electrons excited by absorption of a photon in Mg

    Thank you very much! You helped me a lot!
  12. HastiM

    Electrons excited by absorption of a photon in Mg

    Thank you for your help and the hint! I just read that state transitions due to a photon emission/absorption necessarily change the magnetic quantum number by +1 or -1. This would mean that in our case only the states 3p and 4p are possible. Is that correct?
  13. HastiM

    Electrons excited by absorption of a photon in Mg

    Homework Statement The total spin of an Mg atom is zero and remains zero after absorption or emission of a photon. To which states can one of the electrons in the outer shell get by absorption of a single photon: 4s, 5s, 3p, 4p, 3d, 4d?2. The attempt at a solution I am not sure which of the...
  14. HastiM

    Electric field from voltage drop

    Homework Statement Calculate the electric field given by a voltage drop of 1 V across an insulator with thickness 20 nm. 2. The attempt at a solution I am not sure which formula to use in order to obtain the electric field. I think one should use the formula E=U/d, where E denotes the...
  15. HastiM

    I Find the energy from the graph of the wave function

    Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to determine the kinetic energy and potential energy of a quantum system just by investigating the graph of its wave function. Suppose we are given the graph of some wave function Ψ(x), i.e. a function which is an eigenfunction of the hamiltonian. I think...