Recent content by Hassin

  1. H

    Solve Free Fall: Time Calculation for Rock Dropped from Tower

    I have this excerise to do: A boy is standing on the tower o height h. He shot with his slingshot a rock vertically up with velocity v0, gravitational acceleration equals g. After what time t the rock has fallen? Answer is t = (v0 + sqrt((v0)^2 + 2gh))/g but how to get to it...
  2. H

    Calculating Average Velocity of a Moving Train: Solving Kinematics Problem

    Thank you very much, I didn't know this formula without time d=(v^2)/2a. Very helpful :)
  3. H

    Calculating Average Velocity of a Moving Train: Solving Kinematics Problem

    Hello, I have problem with this example. I don't speak English very well, so please forgive me if something isn't quite enough defined - as it should be in English Physics terminology. The train moves from the station with an acceleration a. After reaching velocity v moves farther with...