Recent content by HARSHARAJ


    Bell's theorem mathematical content

    Yes, it's available at the library too, that one was the exact citation by the way, but nevertheless, it was one of the primary paper i read to get into the subject, and it's quite simply written though the vein diagram explaining was a bit superfluous, I came up with a little math for the same...

    Bell's theorem mathematical content

    I would like to mention something. Bell's Whole paper, in a nutshell is like: "Let's calculated expectation value of product of two components of spin(sigma1.unit vec a and sigma2.unit vec b)with a local hidden variable model. Now let's allow the magnets to rotate freely so that by any means...

    Bell's theorem mathematical content

    I have recently done a research work on hidden variables in QM, this is a reference, quite simply written and explained. Lorenzo Maccone, A simple proof of Bell's inequality, American Journal of Physics 81, 854 (2013).

    A Change in Fermi level with gradient of doping concentration

    Thank you for the reply, the answer that you provided regarding the position of Ef and variation in position in Ec and Ev, I have also arrived there but what I didn't understood (physically) quite well is how and why the intrinsic fermi level changes.

    I Are the positive charges from a hole and a proton ?

    I don't know whether you still have got the question or not but, here a small explanation. The one extra electron has the energy level Ed or the donor energy level. At T=0, i.e. the total freeze out effect such electrons remain at Ed level, as T increases few electron shifts to Ec, leaving...

    [Semiconductor] Aluminum doped Silicon, valance band&holes

    I think you started with a misconception, a band structure is an energy structure, it represents possible energy levels(each having no. Of possible quantum states) that can be occupied by particles(say electrons), these are formed when wave functions representing neighbouring interacting...

    A Change in Fermi level with gradient of doping concentration

    In a degenerate n type semiconductor, when the doping concentration has a gradient(say -ve gradient), then how fermi energy level and intrinsic Fermi energy levels will depend upon the concentration gradient? ~If anyone knows anything about it, kindly help.