Recent content by harishm18

  1. H

    Form 8 Digit Number with 7s, 6s & 0s

    main aim : You have to form a 8 digit number such that the conditions are the ones place stands no of 7's in the final 8 digit no that will form the tens place stands : no of 6's in the final 8 digit no ... ... ... then the 10^7 the place stands for no of 0's in the 8 digit no what...
  2. H

    How can you solve the 12 ball puzzle with a twisted balance scale?

    Think carefuly man pick 6 randomly from 12 and measure . out of 6 and 6 one bunch must be different weigh high . so remove the other 6.
  3. H

    Unsolved Mystery: Boy Found Dead in Locked Room with Rope Tied Around Neck

    Its not my homework assighnment. I am just preparing for placements . I found this site very interesting . and I just thought one question and posted it
  4. H

    Unsolved Mystery: Boy Found Dead in Locked Room with Rope Tied Around Neck

    A boy died with a roap tied in the neck and lied down (both body and roap) in the water in the room . Things in the room ( one chair, one roap lied down connected to the neck of the boy's body, No windows - just one entrance that to be locked inside ,water, empty top with two pins. If you are...
  5. H

    How can you solve the 12 ball puzzle with a twisted balance scale?

    1st mesurement -12 divide into 6 and 6 - you can eliminate 6 from it. 2nd - from 6 mesure 3 and 3 3rd mesure - pick any two if it is same then the left one is different . otherwise we can get the answer from mesurement