Recent content by haloshade

  1. H

    Looking for good websites about physics

    Thanks for your advice, as of right now my mathematics isn't that high for advance physics, since I am currently enrolled in my high school's pre-calculus class.
  2. H

    What is the Nature of Photons?

    Haha, it's ok your English is really good. Thanks for letting me know of that quote, it seems like more quantum physicist know what the quantum particles do, not what they are. My question is what is a photon, which appears to be something that modern day physicist can't seem to figure out...
  3. H

    Looking for good websites about physics

    Are there any good websites out there that are good at explaining various physics concepts and theories, from Newtonian physics to string theory, in a form that a high school physics student like myself can understand? I need to know this since I am currently fascinated with physics and...
  4. H

    What is the Nature of Photons?

    Thanks, I might try looking into some books over light and quantum particles then, any good suggestions?
  5. H

    What is the Nature of Photons?

    Thank you everybody for your answers, you sort of helped me understand what a photon is a bit, but I'm assuming science can never truly answer my question, since my question was focused more on the "why/ how does it really form" of what a photon is. It's a shame that science (at least modern...
  6. H

    What is the Nature of Photons?

    I've been wondering this for a while now, and I've looked into it but I'm still confused. I understand that photons are emitted when an electron jumps energy levels, or (correct me if I'm wrong) when an electron and positron collide (annihilate) with each other. But these don't answer my...
  7. H

    AP Physics B or C: Pros and Cons for Aspiring Physicists/Engineers

    Thank you snipez90 for your advice on what to do, and thank you physics girl phd for boosting my confidence! Thank you both, so it looks like I should take AP B and then take both exams, and not worry about not making it into the field. Thank you both very much! :smile:
  8. H

    General Relativity for Dummies

    Is there any way to explain the General Relativity equation(s) to a person only educated in high school algebra? I have been studying genera relativity for a while now but the mathematics I am a bit confused on, will anybody be willing to break it down algebraically for me?
  9. H

    AP Physics B or C: Pros and Cons for Aspiring Physicists/Engineers

    Hi! I believe that I have asked a question to this similar before but I was unable to find it. I am going into my senior year of high school and I have the choice to take AP Physics B or C. I am currently signed up to take AP C, but I have been wondering lately if that's the best choice since...
  10. H

    The vibration direction of light wave

    I think he means that sunlight appears to come from more than one source spots, so how can it just oscillate in one direction?
  11. H

    Another strange physical event: This time regarding gravity.

    I have actually been wondering this question as long as I can remember. Thank you for posting it! (sorry I didn't contribute to the topic)
  12. H

    What if there was a pole, whose length was the circumference of the Earth?

    Well I sort of worded it wrong, I meant a helix when I suggested my first option I just didn't word it properly. Sorry about that.
  13. H

    What if there was a pole, whose length was the circumference of the Earth?

    An other way I thought about looking at this thought experiment is if the pole was infinitely long. Would the pole keep on warping around the Earth? Or will it warp until ends meet (well sorta) and the equal force from each side would cancel any other warping and the rest of the extent will keep...
  14. H

    Questions over Quantum Physics

    I'll be sure to run to the library this week and get some books then. Thank you so much everybody.
  15. H

    Questions over Quantum Physics

    Thank you, just the only problem right now is that I don't have the money to buy myself anything like that until I get a job this summer. Do you recommend any websites?