Recent content by hage567

  1. H

    Conservation of momentum after a collision

    You need to show your work so we can see where you could be making errors. Expanding and grouping terms in that equation should not lead to a complete mess. Don't worry about isolating v1f, you can't do it directly anyway*. Just show what you get when you expand and simplify that expression...
  2. H

    Conservation of momentum after a collision

    It seems that you are hung up on a "have no numbers" thing and it is preventing you from trying the question. No numbers are required. These are your equations from the posts you wrote: 3v = 3v1f + v2f 3(v1i)^2 = 3(v1f)^2 + (v2f)^2 One thing I notice is that you weren't consistent in...
  3. H

    Angular momentum and change in velocity

    Can you show the details of your calculation? We can't tell you what you did wrong if you don't show us your work!
  4. H

    Conservation of momentum after a collision

    You don't need to know the actual values. You have two equations that are related by the same variables, you can combine them and come up with an expression for the final velocity of the 3m mass.
  5. H

    Conservation of momentum after a collision

    You can use conservation of energy to get another equation that will be useful.
  6. H

    Calculate Change in Velocity of Flatcar When Man Runs Opposite Direction

    You are on the right track but the red part is not quite correct. Remember that once the man starts moving, the flatcar is no longer going at 16.8 m/s. How does that change your equation?
  7. H

    Angular velocity of a conical pendulum in rpm

    I don't think you have the right angle. Double check how you got that.
  8. H

    Calculating Coefficient of Friction for a Coin on a Turntable

    Don't worry, I think we've all been there! :wink:
  9. H

    Calculating Coefficient of Friction for a Coin on a Turntable

    You didn't convert from cm to meters correctly. The units aren't written properly, either. Is that just a typing error on your part?
  10. H

    Thermal Expansion of a drinking glass

    Did the temperature rise by 32 degrees or to 32 degrees? Double check this part of the question.
  11. H

    Finding Distance Traveled of Car with Constant Acceleration/Deceleration

    Please show your work so we can see what you did. This is the only way we can point out errors.
  12. H

    Calculating the magnitude of point charges

    Since I don't know what the other question was, I can't tell you what's different. You need to do vector components because the point of interest is not on the same line as the two charges. It is a two dimensional situation. Have you tried what I suggested?
  13. H

    Uncertanties and errors question

    Is the question asking you to find the actual period? Because the data you show is the time it takes the pendulum to go 15 swings, not one (which is what the period would be). Am I misreading what you've written?
  14. H

    Calculate the distance the car coasts before it stops

    Can you show you calculated those numbers?
  15. H

    Calculate the distance the car coasts before it stops

    What have you tried so far? Which part is causing you trouble? You must show some effort to get help.