Recent content by h2chohan

  1. H

    How can I design an affordable test rig for a wind tunnel?

    Kalam, I didnt understood "It would have a low friction ball socket support beam with a u-shaped teflon bushing to hold the vertical support beam in place". I can't picture that in mind.
  2. H

    How can I design an affordable test rig for a wind tunnel?

    Yea test rig needs to measure 4 essential measurements ... Lift force, Drag force, Rolling moment and Pitch moment. Is it possible to have 1 support to the model and use 4 load cells to measure 4 components? If i use 3 vertical beams to support the plane .. one at the tail .. the other two...
  3. H

    How can I design an affordable test rig for a wind tunnel?

    Thanks Kalam, I am thinking of aluminium too ... But If i use a multi component load cell to measure force, drag, rolling and pitch ... I would require only 1 cell .. can you help me up with the design. How should it look like?
  4. H

    How can I design an affordable test rig for a wind tunnel?

    Thanks a lot for your reply ... Some1 recommend me to use multi component Load cell as it can measure forces and moments I am not sure how much it will cost. If i don't find any solution within price range ... I can go upto max 5k dollars...
  5. H

    How can I design an affordable test rig for a wind tunnel?

    The weight of the model (plane) which will be tested is 200gms
  6. H

    How can I design an affordable test rig for a wind tunnel?

    Hey, I have to design a test rig for my university's wind tunnel. The test rig is required to measure lift, drag, pitch moment and rolling moment. The professor has asked me to keep the budget around 2k. I was looking online about what is available and came across 2 types of balances...