Recent content by guest948

  1. guest948

    Force and motion -- Person falling from 20m onto a cushion (EASY)

    Thanks, but constant acceleration (deceleration) is assumed in this question.
  2. guest948

    Force and motion -- Person falling from 20m onto a cushion (EASY)

    APPROACH 1 (correct): Height above ground = 3 - (v+u)/2 * t = 3 - 18.263/2 * 0.25 = 0.717 m ----------------------------------------------------- APPROACH 2 (incorrect): Let d be the height from the ground when he is stopped by the cushion. PE loss = Work done against motion by cushion mgh =...
  3. guest948

    Why does the intensity vary when the detector is moved away from the slits?

    The path lengths are the same, so they are in phase and they add constructively along PQ. So the answer is C (or A)?
  4. guest948

    Why does the intensity vary when the detector is moved away from the slits?

    I guess C: constructive interference pattern along the central line. Am I correct?