Recent content by Guessit

  1. G

    Half-life using Schrodinger's wave equation

    Hello guys! I've been learning how to estimate half life using Schrodinger's time-independent wave equation. In class, we divided the energy barrier into five smaller segments just like this webpage I was wondering if we could...
  2. G

    Moment of Inertia of dysprosium-160

    Homework Statement The nucleus dysprosium-160 (containing 160 nucleons) acts like a spinning object with quantized angular momentum, L2 = l(l + 1) * h_bar2, and for this nucleus it turns out that l must be an even integer (0, 2, 4...). When a Dy-160 nucleus drops from the l = 2 state to the l =...
  3. G

    What is the Force Acting on an Object Moving at a Constant Rate?

    mv^2/r ... and v increases, which means there is a greater centripetal force at 4. Whoops! Looks like I messed up on this one :/ Thanks guys!
  4. G

    What is the Force Acting on an Object Moving at a Constant Rate?

    Ahh, that makes a lot more sense. So for problem 1, since they are asking about the normal component of force, would that be the same at points 3 and 4 since the path is circular and the normal component of force would be the same at both points? And for problem 2, the least force would be at...
  5. G

    What is the Force Acting on an Object Moving at a Constant Rate?

    Homework Statement If the image isn't clear, this is what it states: The speed of a particle of mass m increases at a constant rate as it moves along the path shown from location 1 to 2 and so on. The particle's speed is much less than c, the speed of light...