Recent content by guardians

  1. G

    How Does Rain Impact the Drag Force on a Moving Car?

    Homework Statement An automobile is traveling at speed of 80 km/h through heavy rain. The raindrops are falling vertically at 10 m/s and there are 7*10^-4 kg of raindrops in each cubic meter of air. For the following calculations assume that the automobile has the shape of a rectangular box 2m...
  2. G

    Two total internal reflection examples

    Homework Statement -Behind a glass container with water, there is a candle. The container is paralelopiped - shaped. What is the image that the viewer is going to see, if the eye is set like so, that he watches the candle with an angle greater than the angle of total reflection? -Hold a...
  3. G

    What is the speed of sound in the metal?

    Homework Statement A metal tube with length 931m is hit with a hammer. On the other end two sounds with time delay of 2.5 seconds can be heard. What is the reason for this? What is the speed of sound in the metal? Homework Equations t=L/v The Attempt at a Solution I think the...
  4. G

    Calculating Maximum Speed on Bike Curve: Centripetal Force

    So is this line of thought right: If the inclination is \varphi, then the Ffriction=m*g*sin\varphi, i.e. k*m*g*cos\varphi=m*g*sin\varphi, so \varphi=atan(k) ?
  5. G

    A couple of question regarding tension and Newton's laws

    No problem :) 1. So, if the same force is applied, but with different time of application - I'm starting to go into impulse, and change of momentum. If I assume that the impulse is the only thing that is influenced - I don't get how that would produce the desired effect... But since this...
  6. G

    Calculating Maximum Speed on Bike Curve: Centripetal Force

    Well, I think the formula for vmax should be (according to what I think you mean): v^2=Rg(sinA+kcosA)/(cosA-ksinA), where A is the desired angle, and k is the coefficient of friction. But, according to these calculations, the wanted angle in my calculations is about 80,5 degrees, and my...
  7. G

    Calculating Maximum Speed on Bike Curve: Centripetal Force

    To be honest, since English is not my native language, I don't even know what a banking angle is :blushing: Is it important in this case? Is that the angle that the problem asks for? Further information is appreciated.
  8. G

    Calculating Maximum Speed on Bike Curve: Centripetal Force

    1. What is the maximum speed with which a bike can move at a curve, and on which angle from the vertical should he turn, so that he doesn't fall off the road, if the coefficient of friction is 0,4 and the radius of the curve is 100m? Now, I easily calculated the maximum speed by equating the...
  9. G

    A couple of question regarding tension and Newton's laws

    1. A led cylinder hangs on a string. By another string, another cylinder is hung on the previous cylinder. If you pull fast enough, the lower string tears, if you pull slowly, the upper one tears. How does one explain this? I tried to explain this with the help of Newton's second law, but I...