Recent content by Guaicai

  1. Guaicai

    What is the relationship between energy and mass in a two-particle collision?

    Yeah , i was tried to deriving (p1+p2)2 to the single dot product as above ,but always have the extra term. (p1+p2)2 =p12+p22+2p1p2 =p12+p22+( p1 ⋅ p2 )
  2. Guaicai

    What is the relationship between energy and mass in a two-particle collision?

    Homework Statement In a two-particle collision the square of the invariant mass is. M is total mass of the system (M2 is the square of the total mass) m is the mass of each particles E is the energy of each particles p is momentum vector of eache particles Homework Equations M2 = (E1+E2)2 -...
  3. Guaicai

    How to get the results like that in Finite Square Barrier?

    Yes , there have another two equation,but for the different boundary conditions x=a. Seems putting four equation together in different boundary conditions its not right... And each of this results have same denominator with A. Look like those results solved without considered the different of...
  4. Guaicai

    How to get the results like that in Finite Square Barrier?

    In the boundary conditions x=-a , But if i try to set the D=0 ,like the Step Potential ,and going to solving what B is , it is the same result with the Step Potential Problem.Seem to be not right,when E<V the particle still have probability tunneling through the barrier. If I not setting D...
  5. Guaicai

    How to get the results like that in Finite Square Barrier?

    [this thread was moved from the Quantum Physics subforum, hence no template] In this page : When the E<V The boundary condition tells us the equation (9) (10) and (11) (12). I tried to get the results from those equation...
  6. Guaicai

    Scattering in Finite step potential

    origin page : No quite understand how the solution come from this equation
  7. Guaicai

    Some questions about the Finite Potential Well

    How the symmetric and antisymmetric have results: A=0,G=H and B=0,G=-H in last picture ?[emoji53]
  8. Guaicai

    Questions about the Dimensions Analysts changing the equation

    The first equation of the left hand side is the Schrodinger Equation of the Harmonic Oscillator.The second equation of the left hand side is the new equation doing by the Dimensions Analysts. But I don't understand how the new equation come from according with Dimension Analysts of the right...