Recent content by GTdan

  1. G

    Job Skills Is Detailing Specific Technologies Necessary on a Patent Agent Resume?

    Hey everybody, I was wondering if I can get a little help with a resume I'm writing. I've been working in the nuclear industry as a process control engineer for about 3 years now and am thinking of taking my career to Intellectual Property (Patent Agent). My experience is in computing...
  2. G

    News Is an Open-Ended War Without Boundaries Justifiable?

    I don't see how this makes it unlikely.
  3. G

    News Bush - is anybody keeping track?

    I am pretty sure he never made the link. The most that has been said is that he supported the attacks, harbored members of Al-Qaida, etc. I can tell you though that it won't matter to those who want to impeach him.
  4. G

    News Bush - is anybody keeping track?

    Maybe artificial means that there is not good reason for it. Good being subjective. To me, it's not a good idea to leave and the people supporting are just doing it to be able to get kudos from the public. The only way I would support it if someone gave me a good reason to believe that things...
  5. G

    News Vermont senators adopt resolution to impeach Bush, Cheney

    I Agree +1. As far as constitutionality and legality, Bush has used all that he is allowed to use. They might have abuse of public trust going for them but that's not an impeachable "offense." What politician hasn't abused public trust?
  6. G

    News What if Bush and Cheney ARE delusional?

    Clearly the war has been mismanaged. But don't you think an immediate withdrawal will be very very bad for the region and the US in the future? Or are you simply picking the least worst option in your opinion due to the lack of good ones at the moment?
  7. G

    News What if Bush and Cheney ARE delusional?

    Astronuc: You believe that the best option is withdrawal? How do you feel this will affect the region and the US in the future given the current condition of Iraq?
  8. G

    Is all logic/reasoning circular?

    I think the word formulated falls in line better with what I was thinking at the time. Note in my first post I put quotations around the word, create. After JonF and AsianSensationK explained that you can't really create logic, I was kind of left at odds on how to explain what I was trying to...
  9. G

    News What if Bush and Cheney ARE delusional?

    Which I agreed to in the post I just made: "If Bush deliberately misled everyone and selectively chose false evidence to bring us to war, he needs to be booted and yes, it is about time we had a new President anyway." In other words, yes I agree with you.
  10. G

    News What if Bush and Cheney ARE delusional?

    Goodjob not answering anyone of my questions. Just to prove to everyone else that not all of them mentioned WMD. There you go. Have a nice day Cyrus. *sighs*. You can find the answers to your post sprawled across this freaking thread. I consistently explained that there is no proof of...
  11. G

    News What if Bush and Cheney ARE delusional?

    Ok, so Bush is freakin mastermind then? Well which is he? A moron or an evil mastermind? You want to entertain the possibility that Bush was in possession of the real facts. But not all the justifications for war were lies. That's what I keep trying to tell Cyrus. Saddams actual UN...
  12. G

    News What if Bush and Cheney ARE delusional?

    Ok, let's take this slow Cyrus. #1: When on any post in this thread have I said that Iraq was a success and that the WMD issue was for real? #2: What does the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998 have to do with WMD? #3: What does the "brutal repression of the civilian population" have to do...
  13. G

    News What if Bush and Cheney ARE delusional?

    So if so many people were not sure of it, how is it possible that Congress allowed it all to happen hmmmmmmmmm? Don't give that BS about he tricked everybody because everyone just told me Bush was a moron. A moron can't trick an entire nation. The majority of the public and its...
  14. G

    News What if Bush and Cheney ARE delusional?

    Look, if you want to believe that the admin knew it was all false beforehand, go ahead. There's no proof for it but go ahead. Note that when I say WE, I am generalizing. As I have CLEARLY mentioned, yes, there were open critics of the plan for invasion. Yet the majority of our...
  15. G

    News What if Bush and Cheney ARE delusional?

    Maybe you don't get it. Do you know what the phrase, hindsight is 20/20 means? It was believed there was a direct link between Iraq and Al-Qaida. They were believed to be harboring terrorists and producing WMD. Yes, these claims proved to be false. That doesn't not negate the fact that WE...