Recent content by gstroot

  1. G

    Courses Which version of Real Analysis to take?

    I've always had a dream of taking Real Analysis and I wanted to major in math, but I did not see it as a practical without a PhD. Besides that, one can take topology after analysis and then utilize manifolds and topological surface for fluid mechanics (at least this is what my research professor...
  2. G

    Courses Which version of Real Analysis to take?

    I am currently in the honors and I find it hard, but I still had an A going into the final. That's a good point; I need to set limitations since this is a "for fun" course. Math 424 is the pre requisite for Math 535, which is a graduate level topology course that covers point-set topology and...
  3. G

    Courses Which version of Real Analysis to take?

    Ahh that makes sense. Thank you for the advice. I'm not really taking this for any engineering reason, but for my love of mathematics and to study topology eventually. Does this change anything?
  4. G

    Courses Which version of Real Analysis to take?

    That would be Math 424 that focuses on integration and differention, as the honors pre requisite, that I took, covered Bolzano-Weirstrass and the construction of the reals through Cauchy sequences already. Also it should be noted that Math 424 will have a better teacher, as is the custom with...
  5. G

    Courses Which version of Real Analysis to take?

    Hello,I am a mechanical engineering student that loves mathematics and fluid mechanics. My school offers three different analysis courses and I’m not sure which to take. I took honors Fundamental of Mathematics, where we covered Abstract Linear Algebra, Set theory (along with rings and fields)...
  6. G

    Engineering Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics

    I should also mention that the course's book is Munson's and I will be studying Theromdynamics in parallel with Moran's book
  7. G

    Engineering Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics

    I'm looking for a book to really help hit home what my fluids class is teaching because I'd like to eventually learn the Navier Stokes Equation. Syllabus: 1. Introduction, definitions, fluid kinematics 2. Hydrostatics, including nanometers, Bourdon gauges and pressure transducers 3. Control...
  8. G

    Other Self-Studying ODE: Is It Possible in 4 Weeks?

    Ok. One last question. Do you think I should just use the book(Edwards & Penney) that they use for the course to self study, since they do a little bit of PDE and Fourier series at the end?
  9. G

    Other Self-Studying ODE: Is It Possible in 4 Weeks?

    Could you recommend a book for theory then? I'm going to do the cookbook for the first month up until the proficiency exam and then focus on theory for the last two months of summer. Thanks for the help by the way.
  10. G

    Other Self-Studying ODE: Is It Possible in 4 Weeks?

    Hmm ok. I also have the option of holding off until the fall and taking this( class. Do you think I would be better off going this route? Does that class cover the theory behind it? I plan on taking Intermediate Fluid Mechanics, which goes...
  11. G

    Other Self-Studying ODE: Is It Possible in 4 Weeks?

    In your opinion, would I be doing myself a disservice by teaching myself this course in one month? If it's even possible that is.
  12. G

    Other Self-Studying ODE: Is It Possible in 4 Weeks?

    I don't know what would define good. I've self taught book of proof by Richard hammock and intro to mechanics by kleppner and kolenkow. The second was a little hard, but I only had high school physics as a background. Would you recommend doing the assignments and the test that the actual...
  13. G

    Other Self-Studying ODE: Is It Possible in 4 Weeks?

    This is going to be subjective, but in your opinion is it worth it to pay 1k for the class and learn it right the first time? I'm a little worried about just learning the cookbook since I'm in a field that uses ode a lot and I love math, so cookbooking it is hard for me to do since I have this...
  14. G

    Other Self-Studying ODE: Is It Possible in 4 Weeks?

    I believe it is a cookbook class from what I've heard. I'd like to not go that method if I pass the proficiency exam though, so first month I'd study like that then if I pass it I could really understand it. Also do you think it's possible to do in the time I have?
  15. G

    Other Self-Studying ODE: Is It Possible in 4 Weeks?

    Hey all, I want to try and pass a proficiency exam for my universities version of ode. Here ( What book would you all recommend? (I prefer rigor, but also like ease of read if there is a good middle ground). I will only...