Recent content by GRstudent

  1. G

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking for. Could you please clarify?

    ^ Can you calculate Einstein Tensor of my Gammas?
  2. G

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking for. Could you please clarify?

    List of Gammas: \Gamma^{r}_{rr}=\dfrac{-rB}{(Br^2 -1)} \Gamma^{\theta}_{\theta r }=\dfrac{1}{r} \Gamma^{\phi}_{\phi r}=\dfrac{1}{r} \Gamma^{\phi}_{\phi \theta} = \dfrac{1}{\tan \theta} \Gamma^{r}_{\theta \theta}=-r(Br^2-1) \Gamma^{\theta}_{\phi\phi}=-\sin\theta \cos\theta...
  3. G

    Exploring the Limited Impact of GR in Theoretical Cosmology

    Can we say that Hartle is soft of "Walter Lewin" in GR?
  4. G

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking for. Could you please clarify?

    Others so far: \Gamma^{r}_{\phi\phi}=\sin^2\theta r (Br^2-1) \Gamma^{r}_{tt}=\dfrac{0.5r(\sqrt{1-r^2B}-3 \sqrt{1-A})B(1-Br^2)}{2 \sqrt{1-r^2B}} Please check them!
  5. G

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking for. Could you please clarify?

    ^ OK, I feel that there is something wrong with it. Can you check it with your Mathematica? Also, there other non-zero Gammas which I haven't mentioned.
  6. G

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking for. Could you please clarify?

    ^ Those Gammas weren't calculated by Mathematica--I calculated them by hand. On the contrary, I used Mathematica in Post #109, please check it.
  7. G

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking for. Could you please clarify?

    So far we have computed only 4 Gammas: \Gamma^{r}_{rr}=\dfrac{-rB}{(Br^2 -1)} \Gamma^{\theta}_{\theta r }=\dfrac{1}{r} \Gamma^{\phi}_{\phi r}=\dfrac{1}{r} \Gamma^{\phi}_{\phi \theta} = \dfrac{1}{\tan \theta} Another one: \Gamma^{r}_{\theta \theta}=-r(Br^2-1)...
  8. G

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking for. Could you please clarify?

    Yeah, I know that it is wrong. Please correct me when able.
  9. G

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking for. Could you please clarify?

    ^ Peter, Please take a look at post #109 (it's very hard to miss) where I posted Einstein Tensor matrix.
  10. G

    Geodesic Equations: Newtonian vs Einstein

    Ok, nice! I will be flying soon from Germany to Houston, what inputs should I put into second equation?
  11. G

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking for. Could you please clarify?

    ^ It would have been much clearer had you learned Latex. I myself didn't know it too. But trust me--it is very simple.
  12. G

    Geodesic Equations: Newtonian vs Einstein

    \dfrac{d^2 x}{dt^2}=-\nabla \Phi \dfrac{d^2 x^\mu}{d\tau^2}= -\Gamma^{\mu}_{\alpha \beta}{}\dfrac{dx^\alpha}{d\tau}\dfrac{dx^\beta}{d\tau} These two equations, to be true, the way they are written should ring a bell. They are similar yet not identical. What is the meaning behind them...
  13. G

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking for. Could you please clarify?

    Peter, I calculated Einstein Tensor, please check if it is correct: G_{\mu \nu}=\left [ \begin{matrix} \dfrac{6 G M (2 M - r)}{r R^3}& 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \dfrac{2 M (-G r^3 + R^3)}{(2 M - r) r^2 (2 G M r^2 - R^3)} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \dfrac{-((M (M - r) (2 G (3 M - r)...
  14. G

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking for. Could you please clarify?

    I have GREAT.m package for Mathematica successfully installed. Can someone show me how to put matrix into it?
  15. G

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking for. Could you please clarify?

    ^ I was trying to compare \Gamma^{r}_{rr} in Schwarzschild Interior to that in ordinary Schwarzschild.