Recent content by Groucho

  1. G

    I Trying to understand how spontaneous emission works

    It seems as though to give an account of spontaneous emission of photons in a sample of excited hydrogen atoms you would have to give some kind of account of when collapse of the wavefunction takes place. Has work been done on this?
  2. G

    I Trying to understand how spontaneous emission works

    Thanks, can you tell me more about the debunking? I can't find discussion of the debunking in the Wikipedia article.
  3. G

    I Trying to understand how spontaneous emission works

    I'm reading Gerald Folland's "Quantum Field Theory: A Tourist Guide for Mathematicians" and I'm up to Section 6.2 which is called "A toy model for electrons in an atom". He has a nonrelativistic particle of mass M and a scalar field with quanta of mass m and the state space for the particle is...
  4. G

    What is the relationship between quantum field theory and experimental outcomes?

    Hi, I am a mathematician and I've been trying to learn quantum field theory and I joined because there are some aspects of how the theory relates to experimental outcomes that I want to understand better.