Recent content by Gringo123

  1. G

    Gamma radiation. Nuclear, electromagnetic or both?

    I know that gamma rays are a part of the electromagnetic spectrum and that they are also a type of nuclear radiation, created upon the decaying of a large, unstable nucleus. Is there any difference between these 2 definitions of gamma radiation? Is gamma radiation only created in the way...
  2. G

    Express as a single fraction n/(n-3) - n/(n+2)

    I think I have it now ans = 5n / (n-3)(n+2)
  3. G

    Learn How to Solve the Equation: 2/(n+3) + 7/(n+4) = 1 | Exam Help

    I 1st multiplied each side by (n+3)(n+4) giving: n(n+3)(n+4) / (n+3) + 7(n+3)(n+4) / (n+4) = (n+3)(n+4) Cancelling out common numerators and denominators that leaves us with: n(n+4) + 7(n+3) = (n+3)(n+4) by simplifing both terms and cancelling out like terms on each side I ended up...
  4. G

    Express as a single fraction n/(n-3) - n/(n+2)

    n/(n-3) - n/(n+2) I have tried to solve this by giving n a value. I chose n = 6, which gives: 6/3 - 6/8 The LCM of 3 and 8 is 24 so... 6/3 - 6/8 = 48/24 - 18/24 which gives 30/24 Final answer = 5/4 Is that the correct answer and have I used the correct method of solving the...
  5. G

    Learn How to Solve the Equation: 2/(n+3) + 7/(n+4) = 1 | Exam Help

    Hi Mark. Thanks for your reply. I'll be fine once I get to the quadratic stage but I'm still lost on the 1st part. The left side of the equation is: 2/(n+3) + 7/(n+4) I don't know how to go about multiplying that by (n+3)(n+4). Could you please break it down a bit for me? Many thanks
  6. G

    Learn How to Solve the Equation: 2/(n+3) + 7/(n+4) = 1 | Exam Help

    I have a big favour to ask. I have posted this equation twice before on this site and the usually kindly, selfless people have replied and patiently explained to me how it is solved. However, I'm embarrassed to admit I still don't get it. I always learn things far more effectively if I can see a...
  7. G

    How to Simplify Complex Fractions Algebraically?

    How do I tackle this problem? Express the following as a single fraction in its simplest form: x/3x + 1 - 2/8x-1
  8. G

    Solve Quadratic Equation: Find x, Show 2x2+11x-35=0

    I have been working on a 2-part question which involves a diagram of a triangle ABC. side AC = (2x + 1) side BC = (x + 5) angle C = 300 the area of the triangle = 10 cm2 Question 1 Find the value of x I have done that using the quadratic formula ( x = 2.26) Question 2 Show that...
  9. G

    Solve Equation: 3x - 7/4 - (4x + 5)/2 = 3/4

    Hi Cyosis. Thanks for your reply. I'm afraid I don't understand. can you clarify your statement please? Many thanks
  10. G

    Solve Equation: 3x - 7/4 - (4x + 5)/2 = 3/4

    Can someone please tell me where I have gone wrong here? I have to solve the following equation: (3x - 7)/4 - (4x + 5)/2 = 3/4 I attempted to do it by muliplying boths sides by 4 to get rid of the denominators, leaving me with: 3x - 7 - 8x + 10 = 3 simplified: -5x + 3 = 3 which is...
  11. G

    Simplify this algebraic expression

    I have been asked to simplify this one: 12x3 + 8x2 / 6x2 + 4x By factoring it out I have simplified it to 4x2 / 2x Is there anything I can do to simplify it further? I know the rules of dividing powers and hence if it was 4x2 / 4x I know I could simplify it to to 4x (subtract the...
  12. G

    Simplify this algebraic expression

    Thanks a lot Hall of Ivy!
  13. G

    Simplify this algebraic expression

    How can I simplify this expression? As it is already factorised (factored) I do not see what else I can do to simplify it. x(9x+2) / x3(x-2) The only thing that I can think of is if I unfactorise everything to give the following:(although it doesn't seem to be very simplified from the...
  14. G

    Solving an Equation: Expert Tips and Tricks for Beginners

    the LCM of 3 and 4 is 12, so 1/3 and 1/4 can both be expressed as twelfths, namely 4/12 and 3/12. n+3 + n+4 = 2n + 7. Is that the common denominator I should be using? maybe 7 + n / 2n + 7?