Recent content by GreenPelton

  1. G

    DIY nano Hydro Power generator in a Jungle

    In the video he had only 0.37l/s of water flow! His stepper motor seems to produce more max watts (bigger) than mine, but produces 13W at 200rpm as he said. So I guess around that RPM I should get my needed 10W with mine hopefully!?
  2. G

    DIY nano Hydro Power generator in a Jungle

    [QU Many thanks for these in depth information! It's amazing, the possibilities one has if one has the know how! Unfortunately I don't know yet the diameter of the nozzle I will eventually use (haven't got one yet... any recommendations, anything to concern while choosing a nozzle? ) so far...
  3. G

    DIY nano Hydro Power generator in a Jungle

    Thanks a lot, that's exactly what i needed to know! 👍
  4. G

    DIY nano Hydro Power generator in a Jungle

    I read that's the formula to calculate hydropower: P = m x g x Hnet x η 1 x 9.81 x 4 x 0.751 = 29.46W That would be enough already! My motor is only 20W max anyway. 4m head should be easily doable, not too big and expensive! I would be actually already fine with just 10W 24/7! That's already...
  5. G

    DIY nano Hydro Power generator in a Jungle

    Thanks a lot for your reply! Well I don't have my nano hpg yet installed because I want to know first if it even makes sense or not. I could get easily 7 to 8m head, the pipe would be maybe 20m long. The stream has a flow of about more than 1l per sec. I didn't messure it yet but should be...
  6. G

    DIY nano Hydro Power generator in a Jungle

    Hi I am usually living off grid in simple huts in remote locations in Asia. A few months per year (rainy season) I don't have enough sun to produce solar power. I need very little electricity. My 20w solar panel produces enough electricity for my needs (lighting + charging a few small gadgets)...