Recent content by GreenLantern

  1. G

    Do Atoms Literally Behave as Waves?

    Okay, when people say "an interference pattern is observed for a double or single slit experiment when you just fire 1 electron" I think leaves wayy to much room for possibility of misunderstanding the true idea here. WHEN YOU FIRE ONE ELECTRON at a double slit the interference pattern is not...
  2. G

    Two-slit experiment and The Truth

    WOW so i really read through that entire thing to just have the principle of complementarity talked about by one person? (thanks DevilsAvocado in post #29 you got it pretty on) and then its generally just brushed off... Schrodinger/heisenburg/complementarity is really at the heart of this whole...
  3. G

    Can Quantum Waves Have Mass? Exploring the Dual Nature of Particles and Waves

    I'm guessing you are referring to the age old question that many (as well as myself had initially before some more consideration) have asked when starting into QM and that is, "what happens to the properties, like mass, that are associated with particles, like electrons, when they are behaving...
  4. G

    Do Atoms Literally Behave as Waves?

    they literally behave as particles as well!
  5. G

    Do Atoms Literally Behave as Waves?

    I really hope you read all that because, though it is long, it should help sort out the confusion. AND i spent wayyy longer than i should have when I should really be studying for my QM final :) -GL
  6. G

    Do Atoms Literally Behave as Waves?

    A very simple answer to your question of "Do electrons/atoms/light quanta (photons) behave like particles or like waves?" YES They behave both. All of them are dualistic in nature, meaning they exhibit the whole particle-wave duality thing :) Sometimes they behave like waves and other times...
  7. G

    Electromagnetic wave questions

    OH i just ran into something in my textbook incredibly relevant for this WHOLE discussion: From University Physics 12th ed. by young and freedman: "Electrons in the red and white broadcast antenna oscillate vertically producing vertically polarized electromagnetic waves that propagate away...
  8. G

    Electromagnetic wave questions

    i never said they only behave like waves ;)
  9. G

    Electromagnetic wave questions

    I don't think so man, Now don't quote me, and we kinda need to clarify what you mean by red flashlight. if you mean like a monochromatic (almost ;) ) light emitting source then I'm pretty sure the beam stays the same color through different materials. What changes in other materials is the...
  10. G

    Electromagnetic wave questions

    yeah man for sure. and think about it, you again only need find the right material, and if you could make the radio antenna produce gamma rays, DEATH RAY MAN :) Emitting an EM wave with a frequency of something on the order of 10^21 Hz from a radio transmitter (which are usually linearly...
  11. G

    Electromagnetic wave questions

    I think all these people that are so CLEARLY confused on light/photons etc. really need to check out DeBroglie's work. Long story short guys, along the EM spectrum (and well with particles as well but let's not get into that) all EM waves behave like particles (photons/quanta) as well as...
  12. G

    Electromagnetic wave questions

    Okay, I don't think anyone here has noticed this but OP, what level physics are you in? I'm honestly not trying to insult you. I felt this exact same way at the beginning of physics two last semester and ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED IN THIS AND NEXT SEMESTER! I think your just a bit...
  13. G

    Time derivative of electric field? Electromagnetic radiation energy emitted

    Ahhh okay i figured it out. Thanks so much for the help! -GL
  14. G

    Time derivative of electric field? Electromagnetic radiation energy emitted

    lol thanks for the input on getting me away from electric field okay so energy, energy of...?? so that would energy flow per unit time which would be S (poynting vector magnitude) times area? (because S is the energy flow per unit time per unit area) I was figureing something along...
  15. G

    Time derivative of electric field? Electromagnetic radiation energy emitted

    Homework Statement Electromagnetic radiation is emitted by accelerating charges. The rate at which energy is emitted from an accelerating charge that has charge q and acceleration a is given by: \frac{dE}{dt} = \frac{q^{2}a^{2}}{6\pi\epsilon_{0}c^{3}} where c is the speed of light...