Recent content by Grayman

  1. Grayman

    B Can retrocausality explain the wave properties in the double slit experiment?

    It is more likely that the particle is the source of the wave and it interferes with itself via its wave. Essentially the pilot wave theory. This example is seen in fluid dynamics with silicon oil droplets as the particle. This is the only deterministic explanation that I know of. The issue is...
  2. Grayman

    Carbonated Water Freezing and boiling points

    Perfect thanks. Are there any experiments that anyone knows of that prove different atmospheric conditions have no effect on the calibration standard using the accepted techniques and standards that would theoretically produce the most accurate results.
  3. Grayman

    Carbonated Water Freezing and boiling points

    It didn't show up on a search engine. If you are simply implying that the water is very very pure it will not make me feel better. Water absorbs O2 and CO2 gasses from the atmosphere and stirring or pouring it causes it to absorb faster. Unless you calibrated the thermometer in a controlled...
  4. Grayman

    Carbonated Water Freezing and boiling points

    I didn't provide the why because I was avoiding controversial topics but here you go -> 1) Determine if the rise and acidification of the oceans in the last 50 years due to CO2 rising can cause the salt waters freezing point to change from then to now. a) If so how much? 2) Determine if the...
  5. Grayman

    Carbonated Water Freezing and boiling points

    Is there a way to calculate the freezing and boiling point of water that has different levels of CO2 in it?
  6. Grayman

    B Problem with the atomic clock and time dilation

    The muon experiments seem like solid tight evidence. Some of the online pages indicated that it was assumed that the muons traveled at less than the speed of light. This assumption bothered me. Eventually I found a legit article that showed that they measured the speed and how it was done...
  7. Grayman

    B Problem with the atomic clock and time dilation

    Thanks, I am currently reviewing various documents. Unfortunately the experiment isn't in a controlled apparatus so it takes more work to investigate all the variables that might effect the experiment.
  8. Grayman

    B Problem with the atomic clock and time dilation

    Math relies on units and those units have to be defined. Many atomic clocks function by measuring these oscillations of the caesium atom. Question: The caesium atom is at 0K. It is at rest. What gravity is it under? If the clock...
  9. Grayman

    B Problem with the atomic clock and time dilation

    Thanks. I am specifically focusing on the atomic clock under acceleration and gravity experiments and any inter-related experiments that would help understand how various physical properties of light and gravity might effect the experiment. I am not trying to present an alternative to SR.
  10. Grayman

    B Problem with the atomic clock and time dilation

    Yes, thanks. I have seen this link a few times on this site. I have searched the threads and fumbled through many arguments before seeing it. :) I appreciate the link. But, If you don't mind...Are there specific experiments on that list that I should focus in relation to this discussion?
  11. Grayman

    B Problem with the atomic clock and time dilation

    The Doppler effect will effect the reference frequency as well as the output frequency in the same way so I am not sure what it is you want to quantize for you... -2% on the Reference -> -2% on the output => reference and output are still synchronized
  12. Grayman

    B Problem with the atomic clock and time dilation

    The atomic clock is used as evidence of time dilation and to provide more evidence that light speed is invariant. The problem I have with this is that the clock uses frequency and light. It has a feedback loop that is supposed to correct for inaccuracies but the entire loop will obviously be...
  13. Grayman

    Exploring the Universe: Overcoming Barriers in Scientific Research

    I am supposed to give an introduction. Unfortunately I never know what to say about myself until circumstances create a context in which some of my traits or experiences then become relevant. So what is relevant here on this physics forum? Why am I here? Mainly I have been researching on the...